What Is The Age Of Consent In Dubai?

Age of Consent: Must be Married2 There is no age of consent in the United Arab Emirates, as any form of sexual activity outside of marriage is illegal. Federal Law No. 9 Article 1.

What age is legal in Dubai?

1. Re: Legal drinking age? Legal age in the Emirates is 21.

What is the lowest age consent in the world?

Angola and the Philippines both set the age of consent at 12, which is the lowest in the world.

Can you kiss in Dubai Airport?

It does not matter if one party kisses the other on the lips, on the cheek, or in a private place that would get them locked upon any part of the world; kissing is forbidden in public places in Dubai.

Can I have a girlfriend in Dubai?

Men and women in the UAE can now live together without any repercussions. Until now, it was illegal for unmarried couples, or even unrelated flatmates, to share a home in the Emirates. However, over the recent years, the authorities have rarely targeted or prosecuted anyone violating the rule.

What country has no age of consent?

In Cyprus, Ireland, Mexico, and Nauru, one cannot legally agree to a sexual relationship before they attain 17 years. 40 other countries, among them Kenya, Iraq, Nicaragua, Vatican City, Vietnam, Argentina, Rwanda, India, and Guatemala, outlaw sexual activities with partners who are below 18 years.

Can you date a minor in Japan?

The Age of Consent in Japan is 13 years old. The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity. Japan statutory rape law is violated when an individual has consensual sexual contact with a person under age 13.

Can you buy condoms in Dubai?

Second point is that you can buy condoms in Dubai, even at Boots if you want – there are several Boots stores in Dubai and many other pharmacies and supermarkets.

Can I wear ripped jeans in Dubai?

Ripped jeans are not allowed to be worn in Dubai, for both male and females. As the city showcases varying tolerance levels to clothing style, it is best to ditch those skin-tight jeans for a few days.

Can you chew gum in Dubai?

Can you chew gum in Dubai? Therefore, as a part of enhancing its contribution in maintaining the public cleanliness and aesthetic appearance of the emirate, chewing gum is not permitted in public places, including the Dubai Metro or the platform, or Dubai buses, and you can be fined if caught.

Is Bible allowed in Dubai?

Christians are free to worship and wear religious clothing, if applicable. Non-Muslim religious leaders reported that customs authorities rarely questioned the entry of religious materials such as Bibles and hymnals into the country. Conversion from Islam is not permitted.

Can unmarried couple have baby in UAE?

However, in FDL 15/2020 no specific provisions were set forth as to parenting of children by unmarried couples. This position is set to change by the new UAE Decree Law No (31) of 2021 concerning the Penal Code (the ‘New Penal Law’) to be effective on and from January 2, 2022.

Why is WhatsApp blocked in UAE?

The UAE, home to the oil-rich capital of Abu Dhabi and the freewheeling financial hub of Dubai, long has blocked internet calling apps like WhatsApp and FaceTime, presumably due to security concerns and to protect the revenues of its monopoly state-run telecommunication companies.

United Arab Emirates Age of Consent & Statutory Rape Laws

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What is the United Arab Emirates Age of Consent?

Because marriage is necessary before sexual relations are permitted in the United Arab Emirates, there is no legal age of consent in the country. If there is no upper age restriction for marriage, then there is also no upper age limit for consent between married persons in practice. Because sexual behavior outside of marriage is prohibited in the United Arab Emirates, there is no legal age of consent in the country. The United Arab Emirates does not offer an exception for those who are close in age.

It is conceivable for two persons both under the age of 0 who engage in sexual relations to both be prosecuted for statutory rape in the United Arab Emirates because there is no close-in-age exception in the country.

Sexual relationships in which one member is a -1 year old and the other is either zero or one year old are also exempt from protection.

Age of Consent across the world

The Age of Consent varies from as young as 11 years old to as old as 20 years old in different parts of the world. Please see the table below for more information on each country, or scroll down to see the countries with the highest or lowest ages of consent.Age of Consent Map:Must be married13 years old14 years old15 years old16 years old17 years old18 years old19 years oldBack to the list of international ages of consentView state ages of consent in the USA

Girl charged for consensual sex after reporting attack

Globally, the age of consent can range from 11 to 20 years, with the lowest being 11 and the most being 20 years. Click on any country for more information, or scroll down to see the countries with the highest and lowest ages of consent.Age of Consent Map:Must be married13 years old14 years old15 years old16 years old17 years old18 years old19 years oldBack to list of international ages of consentView state ages of consent in the United States of America.

The ages of consent around the world

The age at which a person is judged legally competent to agree to sexual activity varies greatly throughout the world – and even within Europe – as a result of cultural and legal traditions. Most nations forbid sex with children under the age of 16 or under the age of 18, although in certain countries the age of consent can be as young as 11 or as old as 20. However, even within a single county, there can be significant differences between males and females, as well as between heterosexual and gay intercourse.

  • As a result, how does this compare in terms of other countries?
  • In Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, and Portugal, children as young as 14 are regarded to be capable of consenting to sexual relations.
  • The Vatican is the only jurisdiction in Europe that does not have age restrictions that are equal and gender-neutral.
  • The United States: The age of consent varies from state to state and spans from 16 to 18.
  • Approximately half of all US states allow minors under the age of consent to marry with special authorization, which might come from either their parents or a court of law.
  • Several states are now drafting legislation to fix these loopholes, which is expected to be introduced soon.
  • In Libya and Sudan, the age of consent is not established, however marriage is necessary by law before sex may be had with another person.

Asia and Oceania: Also under pressure to raise the age of consent from 12 to 16, the Philippines is presently debating whether to enact a law that would increase the minimum age to 16.

On the Chinese mainland, the minimum age is 14, but in Hong Kong, the minimum age is 16.

In India, the legal age of consent is 18, although certain fundamentalist Muslim countries, such as Malaysia, prohibit gay intercourse at any time.

Afghanistan, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen are among the countries covered.

It is usual for courts to grant permission for girls to marry before they reach the legal age of majority in their respective countries.

In Jordan, permission to sex can be given at the age of 16, however in Iraq, consent must be given at the age of 18.

South America: In Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador, the age of consent is 14, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

When it comes to homosexual sexual behavior, the age in Paraguay is 16 instead of 14.

While seldom tried for statutory rape in Chile, where the age of consent is 18 years, it is conceivable for two persons both 17 years or younger who freely engage in sexual relations to be charged for statutory rape.

Explained: New UAE law on unmarried parenting, sexual assault, extramarital affairs

Image courtesy of the file Published:Monday, December 6, 2021, 3:19 p.m. The most recent update was made on Monday, December 6, 2021, at 7:03 p.m. Among other things, the new UAE Penal Law decriminalized consensual relationships outside of marriage, established allowances for unmarried parenting, and broadened the scope of rape charges. The Federal Decree Law No. 31 of 2021 concerning the UAE Penal Code, which was announced as part of the UAE’s most comprehensive set of legislative reforms last month, aims to improve the protection of women and domestic workers while also strengthening social cohesion and public safety in the country.

3 of 1987, which was passed in 1987.

The following are three major clauses that have been revised under the new UAE Penal Law:

New elaborate definitions on rape

The new legislation says that raping a woman will result in life imprisonment. Four requirements must be met before the sentence can be increased to the death penalty: The new rule raises the minimum age for committing rape offenses from 14 to 18 years old and adds additional definitions to rape crimes in general. Unlike the previous legislation, which only prescribed the death sentence for rape, the new law breaks the punishments into two categories: life in prison for raping a woman and death penalty for the other four circumstances.

Those who rape adolescents under the age of eighteen are now subject to the law.” “The new legislation also specifies four criteria for the use of force that can result in the imposition of the death sentence on the criminal,” he continued.

Decriminalising out-of-wedlock relations

The photo was used solely for the purpose of illustration. Unmarried couples over the age of 18 who do not have children can be sentenced to six months in jail under the new rule, but only if a complaint is filed by the wife, husband, or custodian of any or both of the parties. If the spouse or guardian decides to withdraw the charges, the case will either be suspended or dropped entirely. Previously, under Federal Law No. 3 of 1987, living with an unmarried spouse was punished by up to one year in jail.

15 of 2020, which were released last year, decriminalized consensual partnerships between unmarried couples under certain conditions.

In contrast, if the consensual intercourse involves a victim younger than 18 years of age, the criminal will be charged with sexual molestation, which is punishable by a period of temporary imprisonment under the prior statute.

If the criminal is a caregiver or in a position of responsibility over the female victim or domestic worker, the penalty can be increased to life imprisonment or a temporary jail sentence.

In his statement, Elhais said that the old law’s prohibitions on having consensual intercourse with a minor will continue to apply, but only to victims under the age of 18, rather than 14.

Parenting children born out of wedlock

Image courtesy of File The most recent version of the UAE Penal Law includes a new clause on the parenting of children born out of marriage. It stipulates that anybody who engages in sexual relations with a woman who has reached the age of majority and results in the birth of a child would be sentenced to a minimum of two years in prison under this provision. Couples who marry, acknowledge parental responsibility for a child, and issue the kid’s official documentation and passport in accordance with the laws of the country in which either of them is a national, as well as the rules of the UAE, will not be subjected to criminal prosecution.

“As on January 2, 2022, parents who fail to document or recognise their kid who was born out of wedlock will be committing a crime,” he continued.

[email protected]

UAE introduces changes to criminal, civil codes and inheritance law

FIle (photo) New provisions for parenting children born out of wedlock have been included in the most recent UAE Penal Law. It stipulates that anybody who engages in sexual relations with a woman who has reached the age of majority and results in the birth of a child would be sentenced to a minimum of two years in prison under this statute. Couples who marry, acknowledge parental responsibility for a kid, and issue the child’s official documentation and passport in accordance with the laws of the country in which either of them is a national, as well as the laws of the UAE, will not be subject to criminal prosecution.

“As on January 2, 2022, parents who fail to document or recognise their kid who was born out of wedlock will be committing a crime,” he explained.

[email protected]

Inheritance law

According to the new amendments to the Personal Status Code and the Civil Law, expatriates living in the United Arab Emirates now have the option to choose which law will be applied to their inheritance, thereby ensuring that the financial interests of foreign investors in the country are protected and remain stable over time. The new modifications state that inheritance will be handled with in accordance with the nationality of the dead individual at the time of his death, as stipulated by the new adjustments.

The law of the country in which the dead individual had his or her citizenship at the time of his or her death will be applied if that condition is not clearly indicated in his or her will.

The Personal Status Code has been amended to state that the laws of the country in which the marriage took place will be applied to the terms of the marriage, as opposed to the previous provisions, which applied the laws of the spouses’ respective countries of nationality to the terms of the marriage.

If a partner in a joint venture is unable to sell their share to another partner, new amendments to the Civil Law now allow them to sell the entire enterprise after making a formal request to a court.

This is particularly advantageous if they are unable to sell their portion to another partner. The price would be distributed among the partners in proportion to the value of each partner’s contribution.

Important changes in Penal Code

In terms of the Penal Code number 3 of 1987, the Presidential Decrees made significant revisions to the law. The most notable of the amendments is the repeal of an item in the legislation that lessened the penalties for what is known as a “honour crime.” This type of crime will be considered as murder, and the applicable legal provisions in the Penal Code will be invoked as a result of the new revisions. This is a significant legislative shift that demonstrates the UAE’s commitment to protecting the rights of women while also ensuring that the rule of law is upheld at all times.

The punishment will be limited to those who consume liquor, serve it, or sell it to someone younger than 21 years of age, as well as those who purchase liquor on behalf of someone younger than 21 years of age.

Consensual sex

The new rules also limited the penalties for sexual offenses committed under stress, threat, or coercion, among other things. According to the new amendments, consensual sex will no longer be punishable by law. Although consensual sex is not illegal in the United States, it is punishable by law if the victim, whether male or female, is under the age of 14 or if the victim is incapable of consenting due to their youth, insanity, or mental disability, or if the perpetrator is a first degree relative of the victim, is responsible for their upbringing or usual care, or has authority over the minor victim.

Another amendment in the law states that a person will not be held accountable if he or she does a detrimental act against another person with the objective of aiding or rescuing that person who is in desperate need of assistance or rescue.

A person, on the other hand, who assists another person in committing suicide in any way will be penalised with a prison sentence.

Emphasis on victim’s privacy

a new amendment has been adopted in the Penal Procedural Law number 35 of 1992, which mandates that authorized judicial arresting authorities have an interpreter present while detaining a suspect or a witness who does not understand the Arabic language, according to Presidential Decrees. The law has also been amended to state that authorized judicial arresting officers are not permitted to reveal the personal information of a victim except to those who are directly involved in cases of:1- sexual nature such as rape, abuse, indecency, or prostitution;2- cases involving a minor’s physical, psychological, mental, and moral safety, or cases where the minor was exploited in begging, sexual crimes, pornography, or labor under inappropriate or threatening conditions.

Minor charged for consensual sex

After stating that she had been molested by a bus driver, a 15-year-old girl appeared in court and was charged with consenting intercourse, despite the fact that a forensics investigation revealed she was a virgin. According to a story by The National, NH, a Pakistani driver, is accused of having consensual sexual relations with a juvenile. He denies having sexual relations with the girl, but he has confessed to having physical contact with her with her consent. According to the legislation, the age of consent is 14 years old, and “consensual sex” refers to sexual actions other than intercourse that are performed with permission.

  • As documented in court documents, MK fled her grandfather’s home in the Hor al Anz neighborhood on August 15, 2016, in an attempt to reach her mother’s home in Al Qusais, Saudi Arabia.
  • The man informed her that his buddy, a bus driver, would be able to assist her, and he introduced her to NH a few hours later.
  • During the course of the inquiry, MK stated that she did not awaken during the sexual experience, but that when she did, she found herself stripped and the suspect standing over her.
  • She handed her mother the pills and told her about the alleged occurrence as soon as she got at her mother’s place of residence.
  • According to the forensic analysis published by the Dubai Police crime laboratory, the girl was a virgin; nevertheless, the report also discovered traces of DNA evidence of sexual interaction between the girl and another person.
  • Follow Emirates 24|7 on Google News to stay up to date.

Women’s rights in the United Arab Emirates

Despite the fact that it is easy to forget, women’s rights in the United Arab Emirates are governed by Islamic law, and expats should familiarize themselves with the local laws. The United Arab Emirates is a land of paradoxes, where you may find abayas and bikinis, mosques and Irish pubs, all in close proximity to one another. It is, to put it mildly, a strange place. Despite the fact that emirates such as Abu Dhabi and Dubai are popular with expats, the United Arab Emirates remains a Muslim country, and as a result, women’s rights in the UAE are governed by Islamic law.

This useful guide will go through gender rights in the United Arab Emirates and give crucial information about your rights and obligations as a woman in the country. It is divided into the following subsections:

  • Gender equality and women’s rights in the United Arab Emirates
  • Attitudes about women in the United Arab Emirates
  • Laws prohibiting harmful activities in the United Arab Emirates In the United Arab Emirates, women’s political rights are protected. In the United Arab Emirates, women’s economic rights are protected. United Arab Emirates women’s health and reproductive rights
  • United Arab Emirates women’s educational rights
  • Women’s reproductive rights in the United Arab Emirates Women’s rights in the United Arab Emirates
  • Women’s freedom from violence
  • Laws governing marriage and divorce in the United Arab Emirates
  • Laws governing breastfeeding in the United Arab Emirates
  • In the United Arab Emirates, there is feminism
  • There are women’s rights groups in the United Arab Emirates.

Women’s rights and gender equality in the UAE

Women’s rights in the United Arab Emirates are sometimes inconsistent. However, while the country is ranked first in the Gulf region for gender equality, it is ranked 49th in the world. Even in the midst of the flash and glamour of being a popular expat destination, it has a strong sense of heritage. Although the government has signed up to or ratified progressive international accords on the protection of women, it lacks the institutional infrastructure to put such agreements into effect. Women have the same constitutional rights as males, yet they are not adequately protected in a number of important areas.

This is something that expat women should keep in mind since, while countries like Dubai and Abu Dhabi might seem very much like home, it is important to educate yourself on the local laws and your rights.

Attitudes towards women in the United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates ranks top in the world in terms of treating women with dignity. As a result, street harassment is essentially non-existent, and many expats report feeling far safer there than they do in their own country. The chances of someone speaking to you or worse, approaching you when you’re strolling down the street at 3am or taking a late-night cab are extremely minimal whether you’re walking down the street or taking a late-night taxi. In the United Arab Emirates, it is common to hear stories of women being ‘protected’ or ‘elevated,’ as a sign of respect for their status.

Laws and harmful practices in the United Arab Emirates

Keep in mind that, in the United Arab Emirates, there are legal obligations in addition to respect for Islamic law. So, for example, whereas the law specifies that the age of permission for marriage is 18, the Quran specifies that the age of consent for marriage is puberty (or the beginning of puberty). As a result, minors under the age of 18 are legally permitted to marry with the sanction of a court. Because of this, as well as the unsaid nature of child or forced marriages, it is difficult to ascertain the extent to which such activities are practiced.

In actuality, a husband has the legal authority to withhold his wife’s passport in order to prevent her from leaving.

Female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is prohibited in public hospitals and clinics in the United Arab Emirates; yet, it is still practiced in some private clinics and rural regions in the country. There are no statistics available on the prevalence of female genital mutilation; however, a 2011 survey revealed that 34% of participants had undergone some type of FGM.

Women’s political rights in the United Arab Emirates

Because the United Arab Emirates is not a democracy, Emiratis do not elect their own heads of state. Men and women were both allowed to vote and run for positions in the Federal National Council beginning in 2006, according to the government (FNC).

Individuals have gained the right to vote over time, and about a quarter of a million people cast votes in the most recent election, which took place in 2015. It’s interesting to see that over half of the voters were female.

Women in power in the United Arab Emirates

Voters elect half of the FNC’s 40 seats, with the other half selected by representatives from each country’s emirate. In the most recent elections, held in 2015, 330 candidates stood for office, with 20 percent of those running being women. In addition to one woman being elected, eight others were appointed, increasing the overall percentage of women in the FNC to 20 percent. In preparation for the impending 2019 election, the President stated that at least half of the FNC members must be female.

Economic rights of women in the United Arab Emirates

Women in the United Arab Emirates are legally entitled to equal pay for equal labor. It is possible for them to work in any career of their choosing, even in the government, but only with the permission of their guardian, who is often their father. Actually, women hold two-thirds of the employment in the public sector, and they account for around 40% of the total workforce. Pregnant women are entitled to paid maternity leave, albeit the length of the leave and whether it is paid at full or half time are determined by the individual employer.

Women in business

Women in the United Arab Emirates are allowed to start their own enterprises, and the government has shown a strong interest in assisting them in recent years. The discourse concerning women entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates is being driven by an increasing number of female-led entrepreneur groups, such as Womena. Women company owners currently account for 10% of the UAE’s private sector and hold 15% of the seats on the boards of directors of chambers of commerce and industry across the country, according to the World Bank.

Financial and property rights

Whilst women in the United Arab Emirates are free to start their own enterprises, in recent years there has been a strong desire to assist them in doing so. The discourse concerning women entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates is increasingly being driven by female-led entrepreneur groups such as Womena. For the time being, women-owned businesses account for 10% of the UAE’s private sector and account for 15% of board seats on chambers of commerce and industry boards throughout the country, according to official statistics.

Women’s health and reproductive rights in the UAE

Women in the United Arab Emirates are allowed to start their own enterprises, and the government has shown a strong willingness to assist them in recent years. Women’s entrepreneurship groups, such as Womena, are taking the lead in the discourse regarding women entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates. Women business owners currently account for 10% of the UAE’s private sector and hold 15% of the seats on the boards of directors of chambers of commerce and industry throughout the country.

Educational rights of women in the United Arab Emirates

With literacy rates for both men and women hovering around 95%, the United Arab Emirates is a highly educated society.

Women can attend all levels of education, from elementary school to secondary school, in the country. In fact, after completing secondary school, 77 percent of Emirati women continue their education beyond that. Women constitute up 70% of all university graduates, according to statistics.

Women’s freedom from violence in the United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates has adopted the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and has said that gender equality is a key goal for the country. Although this is the case, many of the policies pursued by the government do not live up to these lofty aspirations.

Rape and domestic violence

Domestic violence is lawful in the United Arab Emirates because Islam grants a husband the right to scold or discipline his wife and children who are minors. Unfortunately, when women go to the police to report abuse, the police do not usually take their complaints seriously since they are regarded as a private family dispute. Wives have a legal obligation to submit to their husbands. Rape victims who seek assistance may be prosecuted with unlawful sex – which is forbidden and criminalized in the United Arab Emirates – and have been.

Please bear in mind that, despite the fact that Emirati law is influenced by Islamic law, it applies to everyone in the nation regardless of their religious affiliation.

There have also been distressing situations in which women have accused their husbands of violence, and the husbands have responded with claims of defamation or vulgarity – and both parties have been penalized as a result of their actions.

Family and divorce laws in the United Arab Emirates

The rules governing marriage, family, and divorce in the United Arab Emirates might appear conflicting and complicated. In the United Arab Emirates, there are several notable disparities to be aware of. According to Islamic law, men can have up to four wives as long as they can support them all equally. Men can also unilaterally and quickly divorce their spouses; however, wives must first petition to the court for a divorce order, which is only issued in extremely limited circumstances. Women who work without their husband’s permission may be thought to be doing inappropriately.

Legally, a wife has custody of her children until they are 13 (for girls) and 11 (for boys); but, if a husband and wife divorce, whether they are expats or locals, a husband can insist for full custody once those ages are reached.

In addition, before a marriage may be consummated, the woman’s male guardian must provide his consent.

Breastfeeding laws in the United Arab Emirates

Breastfeeding is required for the first 18 months of a child’s life, and the United Arab Emirates is actively supporting the practice.

During the day, returning moms can have two nursing breaks; more crucially, most malls and public places include feeding rooms or private nursing facilities where they can breastfeed.

Feminism in the United Arab Emirates

Women’s empowerment is a popular concept in the UAE, despite the fact that it is still a very patriarchal society. It is the government’s policy to continue to highlight female achievements and the critical role that women play in the nation-building process. Emirati women are defining and revising their beliefs about feminism, as well as their connection to it.

Women’s rights organizations in the United Arab Emirates

In the United Arab Emirates, there are no autonomous groups that are dedicated to the advancement of women’s rights. The Dubai Foundation for Women and Childrenis a government-run shelter that provides safe havens for victims of domestic violence as well as rehabilitative and educational opportunities.

11 Unusual Dubai Laws for Tourists and Residents

Inside of the United Arab Emirates, there are no autonomous groups dedicated to women’s rights. As a government-run shelter, the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children protects victims of domestic violence and provides them with safe havens as well as rehabilitation assistance.

Local laws and customs – United Arab Emirates travel advice

The laws and customs of the United Arab Emirates are vastly different from those of the United Kingdom. Remember to be mindful of your conduct to ensure that you do not insult anybody, especially during the holy month of Ramadan or if you want to visit religious sites. It is possible that you will face harsh consequences for doing something that is not unlawful in the United Kingdom. It is extremely recommended that you become acquainted with, and observe, local laws and customs. The holy month of Ramadan is scheduled to begin on 3 April and end on 2 May in 2022, according to projections.

More information on living in the United Arab Emirates may be found here.

Importing goods

The UAE prohibits the importation of pig products as well as pornographic material. Videos, books, and periodicals may all be subjected to review and censorship in some cases.


The UAE prohibits the importation of pig products as well as pornographic materials. Censorship and censorship of videos, books, and periodicals may be implemented.


Non-Muslim citizens can get a liquor license, which allows them to consume alcoholic beverages at home and at licensed establishments. These licenses are only valid in the Emirate that granted the license in the first place. Residents must also get a permit in order to be permitted to consume alcoholic beverages at licensed establishments. Residents of Abu Dhabi no longer need to get a liquor license in order to purchase alcoholic beverages for personal use. A temporary liquor license for the period of one month can be obtained from one of the two authorised liquor distributors in Dubai if you are visiting the city for the first time.

Unless otherwise specified, this license is only valid for usage inside the Emirate in which it is granted.

However, you should be aware that drinking or being under the influence of alcohol in public is a severe infraction under UAE law and may result in criminal prosecution.

This is the first time the law has been used against them.

The drinking age in Dubai, as well as in all other emirates save Sharjah, is 21 years old. In Sharjah, it is against the law to consume alcoholic beverages. Passengers traveling through the United Arab Emirates while under the influence of alcohol may also be detained.

Dress code

When women are in public places such as shopping malls, they should dress modestly. Arms and legs should be covered with clothing, and underwear should not be seen on the arms and legs. Clothing appropriate for swimming should be worn solely on beaches or in swimming pools. Cross-dressing is against the law.


It is standard practice for hotels to request a photocopy of your passport or Emirates ID card when you check in. If you are under the age of 18 and not accompanied by an adult, you are not permitted to stay in a hotel.

Offensive behaviour

Swearing and making disrespectful gestures (including those made online) are deemed obscene actions, and those who do them may face imprisonment or deportation. When interacting with the police and other government personnel, exercise extreme caution. Public shows of affection are frowned upon, and there have been a number of arrests for kissing in public in recent history.

Relationships outside marriage

All sex outside of marriage is prohibited in the United Kingdom, regardless of the nature of your connection with your partner. It is possible that you will face prosecution, incarceration, and/or a fine as well as deportation if the UAE authorities learn that you are engaging in a sexual relationship outside of marriage (as defined by them). The act of living together or sharing a hotel room with someone of the opposite sex with whom you are not married or closely related is illegal in the United States of America.

During ante-natal visits, doctors may request proof of marriage from the expectant mother.

It is required that you submit the authorities with a copy of your marriage certificate in order to obtain a birth certificate from them, and it is possible that they will compare the marriage certificate’s date of issue with the estimated date of conception.

Same-sex relationships

Outside of marriage, all sex is prohibited in the United Kingdom, regardless of the nature of your connection with your partner. It is possible that you will face prosecution, jail, and/or a fine as well as deportation if the UAE authorities learn that you are engaging in a sexual relationship outside of marriage (as recognized by them). The act of living together or sharing a hotel room with someone of the opposite sex with whom you are not married or closely related is illegal in most states and jurisdictions.

During ante-natal visits, doctors may request proof of marriage.

It is required that you submit the authorities with a copy of your marriage certificate in order to obtain a birth certificate from them, and it is possible that they will compare the marriage certificate’s date with the anticipated date of conception.


Certain government buildings and military locations are off-limits for photography for security reasons. Do not photograph anyone unless they have given you permission. Men have been detained for photographing women on beaches, according to reports. It’s possible that hobbies such as bird watching and plane spotting will go unnoticed, especially in areas near military bases, government buildings, and airports. It is possible that material (including videos and photographs) posted online that is critical of the UAE government, companies, or individuals, or that is related to incidents in the UAE, or that appears to abuse/ridicule/criticise the country or its authorities, or that is culturally insensitive, will be considered a crime and prosecuted under UAE legal provisions.

Obtaining the relevant approval from the Emirati authorities in advance will be required if you desire to engage in media activity including the creation, transmission, and/or distribution of printed, digital, audio, video, and/or visual material is something you wish to do.

By enrolling on the National Media Council website, you will be able to receive further information regarding media activities and how to secure the appropriate licences.

Fundraising/charitable acts

If you’re thinking of doing or promoting fundraising or other charitable actions in the UAE (or while traveling through), be in mind that these activities, especially those undertaken online and through social media, are tightly monitored. You should be completely informed of the legal requirements and, if required, seek competent counsel. Criminal consequences, such as substantial fines and/or imprisonment, can be imposed for failure to comply with the law.

Buying property

If you wish to buy property in the United Arab Emirates, you should get suitable professional advice, just as you would in the United Kingdom, before you do so. On the website of the British Embassy in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, you may find a list of attorneys who practice in those cities.

Financial crime

The commission of financial crimes such as fraud, the bouncing of checks (including post-dated and “security checks”), and the failure to pay bills (including hotel bills) can all result in jail and/or a fine, depending on the circumstances. Bank accounts and other assets might also be frozen at the discretion of the court. Non-residents of the United Arab Emirates who are arrested for financial offences are often denied the right to bail. In most cases, those who have been convicted will not be freed from jail until the debt has been paid in full or waived, and they may even be required to remain in jail after a debt has been paid if there is an outstanding sentence to be served.

Weapons and related equipment

Weapons, ammunition, body protection, and associated equipment (such as cleaning kits, gun belts, and so on), no matter how small the number or what the purpose, all require approval before being brought into or transiting through the UAE or transiting through it.

Technical equipment

Satellite phones, listening or recording equipment, radio transmitters, powerful cameras, and binoculars, among other items, may require a permit to be used in the United Arab Emirates. Consult with the UAE Embassy in London for guidance.

Age of Consent by Country 2022

In the United States, the “age of consent” is defined as the age at which a person is regarded legally capable of consenting to sexual activity. A person who is younger than the legal age of consent (i.e., an underage person) cannot legally certify that a sexual act in which they participated was consenting in nature. Another way of putting it is that they are not considered to be of legal drinking age in terms of sexual consent. Therefore, if an adult participates in sexual behavior with a partner who is under the age of consent, this action may be deemed statutory rape under the laws of several jurisdictions.

  • Laws governing the age of consent differ significantly from country to country.
  • However, there are certain exceptions.
  • Niger and Japan are among the nations that have set the age of consent at 13.
  • Additionally, in some nations in Asia and Africa, persons must be married before they are allowed to have sexual relations with another person.
  • Many nations, states, and territories also contain “close-in-age” exemptions, popularly known as “Romeo and Juliet” provisions, which allow people to marry when they are near in age.
  • In jurisdictions where there are no close-in-age exemptions, it is conceivable for a person who is under the age of consent to be held accountable for engaging in sexual behavior with another underage person while under the age of consent.
  • While most European nations set the legal age of consent at 16-17, certain countries, notably Malta and the Vatican City, require young people to be at least 18 years old before they may legally engage in sexual activity.
  • At 15 years old, Aruba, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are all among the countries in North America with the lowest age of consent.
  • The majority of nations in South America, including Paraguay, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, and Ecuador, have set the age of consent at fourteen years old.
  • Lastly, it is important to clarify that age of consent rules, which are intended to prevent sexual exploitation of kids, are not the same as minimum marriage age legislation, which are intended to discourage the practice of child marriage.

Now, we’ll take a deeper look at the legal age of consent in several nations throughout the world.

Age of Consent in Japan

Japan has a plethora of rules that overlap when it comes to the legal age of consent. Consequently, the legal age of consent varies substantially across the United States. The Penal Code of Japan, the Juvenile Obscene Acts, and the Civil Codes are the three principal pieces of legislation in Japan that establish the legal age of consent. Each of them outlines a separate set of standards for when sexual conduct is considered permissible. Some of these principles apply to the whole country of Japan, while others apply exclusively to a subset of the country’s 47 administrative areas, or prefectures.

  • The Japanese Penal Code, which was enacted in 1907, establishes the age of consent as 13 years old.
  • In addition, under the Child Welfare Act, any act of ‘fornication’ with minors is prohibited under Chapter 34 of the Act (defined as anyone under 18 years of age).
  • In certain jurisdictions, sexual behavior with anybody under the age of 15 is prohibited, whilst in others, the limit is 18.
  • Even embracing or holding hands with someone under the age of majority might be prohibited in several prefectures, despite the fact that this is extremely unusual.
  • In Japan, a person must be at least 20 years old before they may be considered an adult, and parental agreement is required in many legal situations involving children and teenagers.
  • This is true regardless of the age of the partner, as Japan does not have a ‘close-in-age exception’ when it comes to the age of consenting to marriage (i.e.
  • Additionally, some prefectures have particular regulations that are in addition to those listed above and that apply specifically to that prefecture and are not applicable elsewhere.

Despite the fact that Japan’s different age of consent regulations can be a little confusing, they all work together to offer Japan one of the world’s highest average ages of consent. The de facto age of consent is widely seen as being at least 18 years old, if not higher.

Age of Consent in Germany

In Germany, the legal age of consent is 14 years old. A conviction for statutory rape (or its equivalent in the local jurisdiction) can result in jail sentences ranging from 6 months to 10 years. If both partners are under the age of 18, the age of consent in Germany is 14. If an adult has responsibility over a juvenile in the areas of upbringing, education, care, or work, sexual behavior with that child is criminal under the law. A person over the age of 21 may engage in sexual behavior with a person who is 14 or older but not yet 16 as long as the younger individual’s lack of ability for sexual self-determination is not abused by the older one.

Sexual conduct that is undertaken without permission or under duress is prohibited under all circumstances.

Following World War II, Germany was divided into two territories: West Germany and the Democratic Republic of Germany.

Following Germany’s reunification, the legal age of consent remained at 14 years old, and Code Section 182 was updated to reflect contemporary regulations and practices.

Age of Consent in Mexico

In Mexico, the legal age of consent is 17 years old. However, each of Mexico’s 20 states and territory has its own age of consent regulations, with minimum permission varying from 14 in Tlaxcala to 18 in numerous states and territories. Mexico does not have a consent exception for minors who are close in age. This implies that two persons under the age of 17 who engage in sexual behavior voluntarily may both be prosecuted for statutory rape if they are both found guilty of the crime. This also applies if one spouse is 16 and the other is 17 when they get married.

Age of Consent in South Korea

According to Article 305 of the Criminal Act of South Korea, the legal age of consent in South Korea is twenty years old. This is one of the world’s oldest recorded instances of consent. Previously, the legal age of consent in South Korea was 13, making it one of the world’s youngest countries. As a result of the numerous restrictions placed on this age group, there have been several problematic situations that have appeared to be in conflict with one another at times. This is measured in international age, which begins at zero on the day of one’s birth, as opposed to Korean age, which considers time spent in the womb and adds a year on January 1, making it typically 1-2 years older than this measurement.

Age of Consent in Canada

With the passage of the Tackling Violent Crimes Act in 2008, the legal age of consent in Canada was raised from 14 to 16 years old for the first time. It was the first time the legal drinking age had been increased since 1892. The legislation, which applies to all types of sexual behavior, was drafted with the purpose of discouraging cyber predators from engaging in such activity. There is an exemption for those who are “near in age.” Young people between the ages of 14 and 15 can legally consent to a relationship who is less than five years their senior, and young people between the ages of 12-and-13 can legally consent to a partner who is less than two years their senior.

For the consent to be genuine, there must be no authority or reliance between the parties, and there must be no exploitation of the younger person.

Age of Consent in Pakistan

In Pakistan, there is no legal minimum age for consent. Until marriage, all forms of sexual behavior are prohibited in Pakistan. Men must be at least 18 years old to marry, while women must be at least 16 years old. In certain jurisdictions, women are permitted to marry as young as 14 years old. Once two people get married, their ages cease to be a factor, and sex is no longer prohibited. In Pakistan, consenting to same-sex relationships is a criminal offense.

Age of Consent in China

The legal age of consent in the People’s Republic of China is 14 years old. Macau and Hong Kong, China’s two special administrative territories, each have their own laws governing the legal age of consent. The age of consent in Macau is the same as in China: 14 years old. In Hong Kong, the legal age of consent is sixteen years old.

Age of Consent in France

A relative or other person who has “legal or factual authority” over the underage participant, as defined by Article 227-25 of the Penal Code, is considered to be 15 years old under normal circumstances, and 18 years old when the sex act is performed with a relative or other person who has “legal or factual authority” over the underage participant. Statutory rape (or its equivalent in the local language) is punished by up to five years in jail and a fine of €75,000 (US$83,226.) The Act was just recently approved, in April 2018, following a public outcry over two males who were suspected of having sexual relations with 11-year-old children.

In addition, the age of consent has been reduced to 15 in all 10 French regions.

Age of Consent in Russia

In Russia, the legal age of consent is 16 years old. However, as has been the case in many other nations, Russia’s age of consent has altered multiple times throughout the years. According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RSFSR), permission was obtained when a person attained “sexual maturity.” Initially, it was set at 16 years old when the Russian Criminal Code came into effect in 1996, but it was dropped to 14 years old in 1998, and then increased again to 16 years old in 2003.

According to the Criminal Code, however, articles 134 and 135 provide that the perpetrator must be 18 years or older in order to be held legally accountable, so providing essentially the same safeguards as would be provided by an age restriction provision.

Age of Consent in Italy

In Italy, the age of consent is 14 years old, and it is raised to 16 years old if one of the participants is in a position of power or influence over the other participant (teacher, clergyman, etc). Performing sexual actions in the presence of a minor under the age of 14 is also prohibited, even if the kid does not take part in the conduct in question.

In Italy, it is unlawful to engage in sexual behavior with a prostitute under the age of 18. Additionally, Italy has a close-in-age regulation, which means that 13-year-olds can legally agree to partners who are fewer than three years older than they are themselves (or younger).

Age of Consent in the Philippines

The legal age of consent in the Philippines is 12 years old, making it one of the world’s youngest legal ages. Sexual behavior with a child under the age of 12 is considered statutory rape and will result in legal consequences as a result of the crime. When acts of compulsion, prostitution, force, threat, or intimidation are involved, the age of consent is raised to 18 years old. In the Philippines, there is debate regarding the legal age of consent. Many people believe that an individual of this age lacks the mental and physical maturity to make an educated decision regarding sex at this point in their lives.

Currently, the Philippine government is working on changing the legal age of consent from 18 to 16, which would most likely become effective sometime in 2022.

Age of Consent in the United States

It varies from state to state, but the legal age of consent in the United States is between 16 and 18 years old. In that country, sexual behavior with a partner who is under the age of consent is termed statutory rape, which is illegal. In certain countries, sexual intercourse amongst all-underage participants can also be seen as statutory rape, even if only one of the individuals is over the age of majority. Thirty-one states have set the age of consent at 16, eight states have put it at 17, and eleven states have set the age at 18.

In Colorado, for example, the age of consent is 17 years old, however those less than 15 years old may consent to a partner who is less than four years older, and those aged 15 or 16 years old may consent to a partner who is up to ten years older than they are.

Age of Consent in Australia

A person must be 16 years old to consent in almost all of Australia’s territories. This includes the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory (including the Northern Territory of Australia), Queensland, Victoria, and Western Australia, among others. Tasmania and South Australia, two of Australia’s territories, have, on the other hand, raised the legal age of consent to 17. When a younger participant is under the care or authority of an older participant (a teacher, legal guardian, clergy, or other adult), the age of consent is raised to 18 as it is in many other countries.

Age of Consent in the United Kingdom

The legal age of consent in the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland) is 16 years old in each of the four countries listed above. Furthermore, each of the United Kingdom’s regions has its own local age of consent legislation.

However, at the present time, all of these jurisdictions have established the age of consent at sixteen years old. In the United Kingdom, there are no exemptions for those who are close in age. Two persons under the age of consent who engage in sexual behavior with each other can be prosecuted.

Age of Consent in India

Indian law stipulates that the age of consent is 18 years old, according to the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act of 2013. Individuals under the age of 17 cannot legally agree to sexual activity, and doing so might result in a criminal charge of statutory rape against them. The legal age of consent was 10 in 1892, but it has progressively increased over time to 18 now. Several people argue that the age of consent should be lowered to 16 years old, citing the fact that a large number of sexual assault cases reported to the police involve individuals between the ages of 16 and 18, who have consensual sexual relations but are reported to the police by their disapproving parents.

Age of Consent in Thailand

According to Article 279 of the Thai Penal Code, the legal age of consent in Thailand is 15 years old, regardless of gender or sexual orientation of the person giving consent. However, subsequent law has added a number of additional limitations to the original provision. Generally speaking, the 1996 Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act bans gratuitous sexual conduct with partners less than 18 years of age, and it is sometimes construed liberally by local authorities to encompass sexual situations involving normal individuals rather than prostitutes.

As a “compoundable” violation, charges can be brought months after the fact if a spouse (or parent) expresses remorse about the incident.

Thailand does not offer an exception for those who are close in age.

Age of Consent in Europe, Asia, Africa, and other continents.

Whether in Europe, Asia, or any other continent, the legal age of consent varies from one country or territory to another. The legal age of consent varies from 12 to 21 years old, with the majority of nations placing it between 14 and 16 years old. Premarital sex is completely prohibited in almost a dozen nations, including Iran, Qatar, Yemen, and Afghanistan, whereas there is no age restriction on marital sex in the other countries. Several additional nations, like Cyprus (17), Ireland (17), Turkey (18), Iraq (18), Vietnam (18), and Bahrain, have consent ages that are higher than 16.

Additionally, some nations provide exemptions for those who are close in age to one other, but others do not.

Age of Consent in Sweden

According to Chapter 6 of the Swedish Penal Code, the age of consent in Sweden is 15 years old, with the age of consent rising to 18 if the potential offender is a parent or has some other position of power or trust over the minor person in question (teacher, clergy, foster parent, coach, etc). According to Swedish legislation, persons who have sexual contact with a partner under the age of 15 but are themselves no more than three years older than that partner are free from prosecution.

In an unusual twist, the age of consent statute in Sweden applies even if the sexual conduct in issue took place outside of Sweden, but the perpetrator then traveled to or visited the country afterwards.

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