- The total straight line flight distance from United States to Dubai, United Arab Emirates is 7,727 miles. This is equivalent to 12 436 kilometers or 6,715 nautical miles. Your trip begins in the United States.
Is Dubai close to America?
Distance To Dubai From Usa is: 2332 miles / 3752.99 km / 2026.45 nautical miles.
How far is the US from Dubai by plane?
Distance from Usa to Dubai The shortest distance (air line) between Usa and Dubai is 7,637.09 mi (12,290.71 km).
Is it safe in Dubai?
Yes, Dubai is safe for tourists. The crime rate in Dubai is much lower than comparable countries in other regions in the world. Public transport in the city is clean, safe, and monitored, and traveling on it doesn’t pose a threat to travelers.
What language do they speak in Dubai?
The official language of the United Arab Emirates is Arabic. Modern Standard Arabic is taught in schools, and most native Emiratis speak a dialect of Gulf Arabic that is generally similar to that spoken in surrounding countries.
Why is Dubai so rich?
Its diverse economy makes Dubai one of the richest in the world. Unlike other states in the region, Dubai’s economy doesn’t rely on oil. The growth of its economy comes from business, transportation, tourism and finance. Free trade allowed Dubai to become a wealthy state.
What is the longest flight in the world?
What is the longest flight in the world by distance? The longest flight in the world by distance is QR921. Qatar Airlines’ Auckland to Doha route comes in at 14,535 km/9,032 mi/7,848 nm.
How far is Dubai from New York hours?
Flight time from Dubai to New York, NY is 14 hours 15 minutes. Distance from Dubai to New York, NY is approximately 11020 kilometers.
Can US citizens travel to Dubai Covid?
Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? Yes. Dubai and Abu Dhabi governments are issuing tourist visas. U.S. citizens may receive a tourist visa on arrival, typically valid for 30 days.
Is there poverty in Dubai?
The UAE is one of the top ten richest countries in the world, and yet a large percentage of the population lives in poverty — an estimated 19.5 percent. Poverty in the UAE can be seen in the labor conditions of the working class. Migrants come to Dubai looking for work and send remittances back to their families.
Can females drive in Dubai?
Women in the UAE are allowed to drive, vote, work, and own and inherit property.
Is Dubai expensive to live?
According to the Mercer Cost of Living, Dubai is an expensive city. It ranked as the 23rd most expensive out of 209 destinations. However, it is about 25% less expensive than New York City – and about 4% less expensive than nearby Abu Dhabi. As such, depending on where you live now, Dubai might look like a bargain.
What is it like to live in Dubai as a woman?
Dubai is largely safe for women. Unwanted attention is rare and a recent survey found the UAE to be the safest country in the world, with 96.1% of respondents feeling safe to walk outside alone at night. Although Dubai is quite liberal compared to other areas in the region, there are some strict policies.
Distance from Usa to Dubai
The following table shows the distance between the United States of America and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. A map displaying the locations of the United States and Dubai, as well as flight directions, is also provided. Apart from information on the distance between Dubai and the United States, you can also learn about the current time difference between the United States and Dubai, as well as the latitudelongitude of both cities and flight length. FromUsaToDubai
Distance To Dubai From Usa is:2332 miles / 3752.99 km / 2026.45 nautical miles
Current time in Usa:, Sat, 12 Feb, 2022, 11:32 AM +03:00, Usa – Lat: -3.36667, Long: 36.85 | 11:32 AM | |
Current time in Dubai:Sat, 12 Feb, 2022, 12:32 PM +04:00, Dubai – Lat: 25.2522, Long: 55.28 | 12:32 PM |
Usa time is 1 hour behind Dubai
The travel direction from the United States to Dubai is while the travel direction from Dubai to the United States is The locations of the United States and Dubai are depicted on the map below. The straight line connecting these two points is shown by the blue line. The distance depicted on the map is the straight line distance or the flight distance between Dubai and the United States. When traveling between the United States of America and Dubai, United Arab Emirates, what is the distance in miles?
The flying distance between these two locations is 2332 miles (3752.99 kilometers).
The result page provides the distance in miles, kilometers, and nautical miles, as well as an interactive map displaying the travel direction in each unit of measurement.
The distance Or Milage displayed here is the distance between the United States and Dubai.
Distance from Dubai to Usa
The distance between Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Usa, Tanzania, is shown below in miles and kilometers. A map displaying the locations of Dubai and the United States, as well as flight directions, is also provided. Along with the distance between Dubai and the United States, you can also find the current time difference between Dubai and the United States, the latitudelongitude of both locations, and the flight length. FromDubaiToUsa
Distance To Usa From Dubai is:2332 miles / 3752.99 km / 2026.45 nautical miles
Current time in Dubai:, Sat, 12 Feb, 2022, 12:32 PM +04:00, Dubai – Lat: 25.2522, Long: 55.28 | 12:32 PM | |
Current time in Usa:Sat, 12 Feb, 2022, 11:32 AM +03:00, Usa – Lat: -3.36667, Long: 36.85 | 11:32 AM |
Dubai time is 1 hour ahead of Usa
Traveling from Dubai to the United States of America is one thing, but traveling from the United States of America to Dubai is another. The locations of Dubai and the United States are depicted on the map below. The straight line connecting these two points is shown by the blue line. The distance indicated is the straight line distance, or the flight distance between the United States and Dubai (in kilometers). What is the distance between Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Usa, Tanzania in terms of kilometers?
The flying distance between these two locations is 2332 miles (3752.99 kilometers).
The result page provides the distance in miles, kilometers, and nautical miles, as well as an interactive map displaying the travel direction in each unit of measurement.
The distance Or Milage displayed here is the distance between Dubai and the United States. Distances between various nations and cities in the United Arab Emirates and Dubai are listed below.
Distance between Dubai and America is 11334 KM
Dubai is located in the United Arab Emirates at a longitude of 55.33 degrees and a latitude of 25.27 degrees. America is located in the United States of America in latitude 38.9 and longitude -77.04 degrees.
Distance between Dubai and America
It is 11334 kilometers (kilometers) and 223.34 meters between Dubai and the United States of America in a straight line. The distance between Dubai and America is 7042.8 miles based on a mile-based calculation. The distance between Dubai and America is a straight line distance; however, owing to the curvature of the road, the actual travel mileage between Dubai and America may be greater or vary.
Time Difference between Dubai and America
The universal time in Dubai is 3.6886666666667. America’s universal time is -5.136 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), whereas the world’s universal time is -5.136 UTC. The time difference between Dubai and America is 8.8246666666667 decimal hours (eight hours and twenty-four minutes). Please keep in mind that the time difference between Dubai and America is calculated using the local UTC time of the respective city. It may differ depending on the country standard time, local time, and so on.
Dubai To America travel time
Dubai is approximately 11334 kilometers distant from America, and if you travel at a constant speed of 50 kilometers per hour, you would be in America in 226.68 hours. Your trip time in America may vary based on the speed of your bus or train, as well as the mode of transportation you choose.
Dubai To America road map
America is positioned on the east side of the world, close to Dubai. From Dubai, the indicated easterly direction is simply a rough approximation. According to the provided Google map, the blue color line denotes the direction in which road connectivity to America exists. Hotels, tourist attractions, picnic areas, gas stations, and other religious sites may all be found on the road to America, which can be found on the journey map. In case the provided Google map does not allow you to see all of the locations that you expect to see, you may examine street maps and local landmarks by visiting our comprehensive map here.
Dubai To America driving direction
The following driving directions will take you from Dubai to the United States of America. The straight line distance between us and the google location may be different.
Travel Distance from Dubai
Because of the one-way traffic on the route, the onward trip distance may differ from the downhill journey distance. Using this website, you may get travel information and distances between any two points on the planet. For example, if you have a question about the distance between Dubai and America, we can help you with that. and how far is Dubai from the United States? Driving distance between Dubai and the United States of America. By road, the distance between Dubai and America is 2,000 kilometers.
It will also provide answers to such questions.
- Distancing between Dubai and Nigeria
- Separating Dubai from Nizwa
- Separating Dubai from North Korea
- Separating Dubai from Norway
- Separating Dubai from Oman. Distancing between Dubai and Ontario. Distancing between Dubai and Orlando. Distancing between Dubai and Oslo.
Travelers and visitors are welcome to write more travel information about Dubai and America.
- It may be your past travel experience between Dubai and the United States
- Or The many modes of transportation available for reaching America, include rail routes, bus routes, plane routes, and cruise routes
- On the routes between Dubai and America, tourist attractions or other significant locations should be included. About the journey to America, you may get information on hotels and restaurants. Photos relating to Dubai and America, or photos taken on the way
- Requests for travel information and other pertinent information pertaining to this website are welcome.
How Far is it Between Dubai, Uae and New York, Usa
The distance between Dubai, United Arab Emirates and New York, United States is shown on this map.
Below the map, you can find the distance between the two points in miles and kilometers.
How to Use
Fill up the text fields with the names of the two locations you want to visit and then click the Show button. In this case, the appropriate format is if (and only if) Once a result has been returned, you may copy the link to use as a permanent referance back to the result or to distribute to others as a reference back to the result. It is important to note that the Distance Between ZIP Codes tool is for US ZIP Codes, while the Distance Between UK Postcodes tool is for UK Postcodes. Additionally, theMeasure Distancetoolcan be used to determine the distance between two places that are not explicitly identified.
About How Far is it Between
The names of the two locations should be entered into their respective text fields, and then the Show button should be clicked. Use of the i.e. format is the preferred method of communication. Once a result has been returned, you may copy the link to use as a permanent reference back to the result or to email it to others as a reference back to the result. It is important to note that you may use theDistance Between ZIP Codes tool to get the distance between ZIP codes, and theUK Postcode distance tool to find the distance between UK postal codes.
- Fill up the text fields with the names of the two locations you want to see and then click the Show button. Use of the i.e. format is encouraged. Once a result has been returned, you may copy the link to use as a permanent reference back to the result or to share to others. It is important to note that the distance between ZIP Codes tool is for US ZIP Codes, while the distance between UK Postcodes tool is for UK Postcodes. Additionally, the Measure Distancetool may be used to determine the distance between two places that are not explicitly identified.
The following units of measurement can be used to output the distances: This is accomplished by a distance measurement and a map depicting the two places, as well as the path between them as seen as the crow flies and the route taken by ground transportation, as outputs. You may use the controls on the map to do the following:
- Zoom in and out on the map
- Switch between map and satellite views
- Pan around the map.
Some Examples of Distances
Listed below are some examples of distances between cities that may be discovered using the technique. To see it, simply click on it, or enter in your own content in the text fields above to customize it.
- What is the distance between Miami, Florida, United States and Milan, Italy
- Approximately how far is it from Devon in the United Kingdom and Delhi in India
- What is the distance between Dallas, Texas, United States and Jerusalem, Israel
- How far is it between Lisbon, Portugal, and Mumbai, India, in terms of kilometers? It takes about how long to travel between Amsterdam in the Netherlands to Melbourne in Victoria.
Relevant Links
Leaflet is a JavaScript package that allows you to create interactive maps.
How Far is it Between Dubai, Uae and Orlando Florida, United States
The distance between Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Orlando, Florida, United States is shown on this map. Below the map, you can find the distance between the two points in miles and kilometers.
Full-Screen Mode
How to Use
Fill up the text fields with the names of the two locations you want to visit and then click the Show button. In this case, the appropriate format is if (and only if) Once a result has been returned, you may copy the link to use as a permanent referance back to the result or to distribute to others as a reference back to the result. It is important to note that the Distance Between ZIP Codes tool is for US ZIP Codes, while the Distance Between UK Postcodes tool is for UK Postcodes. Additionally, theMeasure Distancetoolcan be used to determine the distance between two places that are not explicitly identified.
About How Far is it Between
Using this tool, you may find the distance between two points on the map. There are two distances that are displayed:
- According to the crow’s flight – The straight line distance between two places
- Distance traveled by land transport (where possible) – Distance traveled by road and water transport is estimated.
According to the crow’s wing Distance between two places measured in a straight line. Distance traveled by land transport (where feasible) – Distance traveled by road and water transport is approximated using this method. This is accomplished by a distance measurement and a map depicting the two places, as well as the path between them as seen as the crow flies and the route taken by ground transportation, as outputs. You may use the controls on the map to do the following:
- Zoom in and out on the map
- Switch between map and satellite views
- Pan around the map.
Some Examples of Distances
Listed below are some examples of distances between cities that may be discovered using the technique. To see it, simply click on it, or enter in your own content in the text fields above to customize it.
- What is the distance between Elkhart, Indiana, and Cardiff, Wales
- With what direction is Perth, Australia located in relation to Edinburgh, Scotland? With what direction is Bristol, England located in relation to Mumbai, India? What is the distance between Munich, Germany and Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
- What is the distance between Dallas, Texas, United States and Stockholm, Sweden
Relevant Links
Leaflet is a JavaScript package that allows you to create interactive maps.
Comments For This Page
There are a number of different methods for calculating the distance between Los Angeles and Chicago. Here are two often used techniques: Vincenty’s secret recipe (applied above)
- There are 8338.709 miles, 13419.852 kilometers, and 7246.140 nautical miles between the two points.
Vincenty’s formula, which is based on an ellipsoidal model of the world, is used to compute the distance between latitude and longitude positions on the planet’s surface. Formula containing haversine
- 7235.473 nautical miles
- 8326.433 miles
- 13400.095 kilometers
- 7235.473 nautical miles
In the case of a sphere-shaped earth, the haversine formula is used to compute the distance between two places in latitude and longitude (great-circle distance, which is the shortest distance between two points).
Flight Duration
The travel from Los Angeles International Airport to Dubai International Airport is expected to take 16 hours and 17 minutes, according to the airline.
Carbon dioxide emissions
On average, a flight from Los Angeles to Dubai creates around 1 048 kg of CO2 per passenger, which is equal to 2 311 pounds of CO2 per person (lbs). The values are based on estimations and include solely the CO2 emitted as a result of the combustion of jet fuel.
Map of flight path from Los Angeles to Dubai
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Dubai International Airport (DXB) are connected by the shortest flight path (DXB).
Airlines flying from Los Angeles (LAX) to Dubai (DXB)
distance between New York, NY (JFK) and Dubai, UAE (DXB) The flight distance between New York and Dubai (New York John F. Kennedy International Airport – Dubai International Airport) is 6849 miles (11022 kilometers) and 5951 nautical miles (as measured by the International Standard Time). The trip is scheduled to take 13 hours and 28 minutes.
How many air miles Heathrow to Dubai?
Approximately 3420 miles / 5505 kilometers / 2972 nautical miles separate London (LHR) and Dubai (DXB). The flight distance between London and Dubai (London Heathrow Airport – Dubai International Airport) is 3420 miles / 5505 kilometers / 2972 nautical miles.
How many hours is Dubai from USA?
Flight time from the United States (JFK) to the United Arab Emirates (DXB) via various carriers, including non-stop flights.
Journey | Duration | Airline |
JFK ➝ DXB | 12 hours 15 minutes | Emirates Airline |
JFK ➝ DXB | 12 hours 15 minutes | JetBlue Airways |
How many airmiles do you need for Dubai?
Various carriers’ non-stop flight times between the United States (JFK) and the United Arab Emirates (DXB).
How long is the flight from New York to Dubai?
The distance between New York and Dubai (New York John F. Kennedy International Airport – Dubai International Airport) is 6849 miles (11022 kilometers) and 5951 nautical miles (see conversion chart below). The trip is scheduled to take 13 hours and 28 minutes. The flight path from New York to Dubai is depicted on this map.
How long is the flight from Dubai to London?
It takes 3420 miles (5505 kilometers) to fly from Dubai to London (Heathrow Airport – Dubai International Airport). It takes 2972 nautical miles to fly from Dubai to London (Heathrow Airport – Dubai International Airport).
There is an estimated flight time of 6 hours and 58 minutes between Dubai International Airport and London Heathrow Airport (LHR). There is a four-hour time difference between Dubai and the United Kingdom capital of London.
How long is the flight from Dubai to Heathrow?
There is an estimated flight time of 6 hours and 58 minutes between Dubai International Airport and London Heathrow Airport (LHR).
How to reach maldives from dubai
Maldives travel packages from Dubai and resorts, as well as halal accommodation, would be a welcome sight for Arabs who enjoy traveling, especially those from Dubai. Maldives, the world’s best travel destination, has done all of the planning for you with special Maldives travel packages from Dubai and resorts, as well as halal accommodation. With its abundance of natural resources and true components of beauty, the Maldives is essentially a paradise created by Mother Nature. The Maldives is a collection of more than a thousand tiny islands arranged in a chain and set between blue azure shallow lagoons with white sand beaches in the Indian Ocean.
Let us introduce you to a variety of specialDubai and Maldives honeymoon packagesfor newlywed couples who want to have a wonderful romantic getaway experience for the auspicious beginning of their married life on one of the most beautiful private islands in the world for the first time.
Continue reading to learn more about how to go to the Maldives from Dubai, as well as how to purchase Maldives vacation packages from the UAE.
Distance from Dubai to Maldives!
The Maldives is located across the tranquil waters of the huge Indian Ocean, on the south-east coast of Arab countries, around 3100 kilometers away from Dubai and approximately 1900 miles away from the rest of the world. As a result of Dubai’s close proximity to the Maldives, taking a vacation there is less of a problem for you guys. When it comes to the time difference between the two nations, the Maldives is one hour ahead of Dubai, which indicates that there is not much of a difference. People from the Maldives would communicate in English as well as their native language, Dhivehi.
One UAE Dirham is equal to 4.21 Maldivian Rufiyaa.
Flight Details from Dubai to Maldives!
It is approximately 3100 kilometers (about 1900 miles) between Dubai and the Maldives, which are separated by the tranquil waters of the enormous Indian Ocean and located on the south-east coast of Arab nations. As a result of Dubai’s close proximity to the Maldives, taking a vacation there will be less of a burden for you. When it comes to the time difference between the two nations, the Maldives is one hour ahead of Dubai, showing that there isn’t much of a time difference between the two countries.
In addition to their native language, Dhivehi, people from the Maldives would speak English as well. Its currency, the Maldivian Rufiyaa, is named after its capital, Male. It costs 4.21 Maldivian Rufiyaa to exchange one UAE Dirham for one Maldivian Rufiyaa in the United Arab Emirates.
Arab Friendly Maldives Packages!
Due to the fact that Maldives is a Muslim nation, Arab visitors may expect to find well-equipped and most gratifying types of accommodations in the country. Almost all resorts in the Maldives would provide appealing Dubai Maldives holiday packages that included halal accommodations and cuisine, in acknowledgement of the growing number of Arab tourists visiting the island nation each year. For newlywed couples, purchasing honeymoon packages from Dubai to the Maldives will ensure that you have the utmost seclusion for your private moments.
- If your villa is on the beach, it will be well-protected by the surrounding greenery, and if it is above water, it will be well-protected by the surrounding vegetation.
- The same goes for room guys, who may be put on hold if you so want.
- You will have access to the necessary facilities to carry out your daily Salah rituals.
- To have the greatest experience, you should book your finest Maldives packages from Dubai with us in order to have the best experience.
- Even if you are island hopping in this area, your worries are completely unassailable, since even the people adhere to your religious and moral beliefs.
Tips for Booking Perfect Dubai Maldives Packages?
There are several considerations to do in order to ensure that yourUAE to Maldives package is flawlessly executed. We will assist you in having a wonderful experience in the Maldives. The topic of how to obtain a VISA for the Maldives from Dubai is one that is frequently questioned. The solution is straightforward and more comfy. Tourists do not require a visa to enter the Maldives. Once you have completed the immigration process at Velana International Airport, you will be issued a 30-day VISA permit.
- Because you are a Muslim, you may need to be concerned about a variety of resort features.
- For travelers, it is usually preferable to buy a round-trip airline ticket in order to ensure smooth airport operations as well as a comfortable departure time.
- It goes without saying that you should have both in your handbag.
- If you want to get the most out of your visit to the Maldives, it is best to book packages of at least three nights, with the option of splitting your time between an overwater villa and a beach villa.
After checking out of your resort lodging, you can stay an extra day to explore Male, which would be a worthwhile experience in its own right.
- Once you have completed the immigration process at Velana International Airport, you will be issued a 30-day VISA permit.
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Take advantage of your Miles Smiles Miles and fly with one of our Program Partners. Turkish Airlines and its Program Partner airlines provide nonstop service to destinations throughout the world. It is possible to use Shop Miles rewards for fuel expenditures in addition to flying expenses with your Miles program. More information may be found here.
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Flights from Los Angeles to Dubai: LAX to DXB Flights + Flight Schedule
The United States of America
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) is a major international airport serving the city of Los Angeles.
Emirates of the United Arab Emirates
Dubai International Airport is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. To view the whole flight schedule, please click here. Distance: 8,322 kilometers (8,322 miles) (13,393 km) Duration of flight: 15 hours and 55 minutes Airlines
Los Angeles to DubaiFlight Schedule
Search for all non-stop flights from Los Angeles to Dubai in one convenient search. The complete flight schedule provided below provides an overview of all non-stop flights from Los Angeles International Airport to Dallas Love Field, as well as the daily schedules of every operational airline for the future 12 months. Please keep scrolling down for flight schedules relevant to individual airlines and airports. February 202212345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 10111213141516171819202122232425262728 10111213141516171819202122232425262728 10111213141516171819202122232425262728
Airlines flying from Los Angeles to Dubai
Emirates is the only airline currently conducting non-stop flights between Los Angeles LAX and Dubai DXB, and it is the only airline that serves both cities. Every airline that offers direct flights on this route is represented in this section, which includes flight schedules and timetables for each airline. To check the flight schedule for a certain airline, select one from the list below.
Emirates flight schedule from Los Angeles to Dubai
February 202212345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 10111213141516171819202122232425262728 10111213141516171819202122232425262728 10111213141516171819202122232425262728
Los Angeles to Dubai Flights
7 flights each week connect Los Angeles International Airport with Dallas International Airport, for a total of 1 flight per day. There are a variety of departure times ranging from 15:35 to 16:40. The first flight leaves at 15:35, while the final flight leaves at 16:40 on weekdays. The exact time of departure will depend on the day of your journey; thus, please refer to the entire flight schedule above to see which departure times are available on your selected date(s) of travel. You have the option of flying in Economy, Business Class, or First Class.
Los Angeles to Dubai is the fastest direct trip, and it takes 15 hours and 55 minutes to get there.
In terms of mileage, the flight between Los Angeles and Dubai is 8,322 miles (or 13,393 km). Start putting together your travel itinerary. Let’s see if we can get you the greatest deal on this route! Make travel arrangements.
Frequently asked questions – FAQ
Al Maktoum International Airport (AMI) is the largest and busiest of the four airports in Dubai. Dubai International Airport (DXB) is the busiest, followed by Dubai Creek Seaplane Base (DCG), Sharjah International Airport (SHJ), and Al Maktoum International Airport (AMI) (DWC).
How many flights per week are there from LAX to DXB?
There are seven flights every week between Los Angeles and Dubai (as of February 2022).
How long does it take to fly from Los Angeles to Dubai?
The average travel duration between Los Angeles and Dubai is 15 hours and 55 minutes, according to the airline.
How far is Dubai from Los Angeles?
The distance between Los Angeles and Dubai is approximately 8,322 miles (13,393 kilometers).
What airlines fly nonstop from LAX airport to DXB airport?
Emirates is the only airline that offers nonstop service between Los Angeles and Dubai.
What alliances have direct flights from Los Angeles to Dubai?
Unfortunately, there are no direct flights available from Los Angeles to Dubai at this time.
What classes are available from Los Angeles to Dubai?
Economy Class, Business Class, and First Class all offer non-stop service.
What aircraft types fly from Los Angeles to Dubai?
The following are the aircraft types that fly from Los Angeles to Dubai:
What is the earliest flight departing from Los Angeles to Dubai?
Leaving Los Angeles at 15:35 and arriving in Dubai at 19:30, the earliest flight is scheduled to leave.
What is the latest flight available from Los Angeles to Dubai?
Currently, the earliest flight departs from Los Angeles at 16:40 and arrives in Dubai at 19:00.
Popular routes operated by Emirates
Show all Emirates flights on a single page
How far is Dubai from Moscow
All Emirates flights will be shown.
Flying non-stop from Moscow to Dubai
Let us suppose you have access to a private aircraft and are able to travel the shortest distance feasible in a straight line between Moscow, Russia and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Because of the curvature of the Earth, the shortest distance is really the “great circle” distance, often known as “as the crow flies,” which is computed using an iterative Vincenty method to get the shortest route. A curve shows on the map when traveling a long distance, and as this is frequently the path taken by commercial planes, it is a decent approximation of the number of frequent flyer points you will accrue.
Flight duration: 5 hours and 5 minutes.
Because your plane travels at a significantly quicker rate than a car, the flying time is approximately one-twelfth of the time it would take to drive.
Your journey time would have to include how many minutes it takes to go to and from your local airport, wait for security, board and taxi on the runway, land at the other airport, and get to your final destination in that situation.
Moscow to Dubai road trip
Realistically, you’re not going to want to drive all the way from Moscow to Dubai without stopping, especially if you’re the primary driver. For example, suppose you’re planning a road trip to Dubai and you need to take a break somewhere along the way to recuperate. In addition, if you’re doing a true road trip, you might want to stop at some fascinating places along the way, eat at some excellent restaurants, and pick a hotel to stay the night in. Trippy is ideal for this, as he can assist you in planning your trip in great detail.
- Road trip: six days on the road.
- Travel time: 55.5 hours on the road, including 5 nights in hotels.
- Drive for around 6 hours, then stop at Voronez and spend the night there.
- The next day, drive for around 9 hours before stopping at Telavi for approximately 1 hour.
- Stay for the night.
- The next day, drive for around 5.5 hours before stopping at Kuhdashtand staying for approximately 1 hour.
- Stay for the night.
Finally, after around 7.5 hours of driving, you will arrive in Dubai. Check out the whole road trip planner for more information on this schedule, including recommended restaurants, motels, and things to do along the way:
Moscow to Dubai airports and flights
In the fast calculation above, we assumed you were flying in a private plane and were just interested in knowing how much time you would spend in the air traveling from one location to another. However, for the most majority of us, we’ll be using a commercial plane (whether in first class or coach) to get there. As a result, we must include in all of the additional time spent traveling to and from the airport, waiting for our flight, and arriving at our destination. A flight schedule with genuine airports has been created to provide you with a more accurate representation of real-world travel.
As an example, we’ve chosen the following scenario to give you a sense of how flying between airports may function in the future.
Traveling to and from the airport takes 51 minutes.
Finally, let’s take a look at an actual trip from SVO to DXB on Aeroflot and figure out how long it would take to fly from start to finish, including takeoff and landing time, as well as time to taxi to and from the runway.
Travel time: 8 hours in total.
How far is it the other way?
If you’re flying in a straight line, the distance is the same regardless of the direction you’re facing (or driving the same roads back and forth). However, during an actual travel, there might be significant variances, so go ahead and check the reverse directions to find out the distance from Dubai to Moscow, or go to the main page to find out the distance between two locations in more detail. If you chance to be familiar with Moscow, don’t forget to assist other tourists by answering a few questions about the city!