What is the travel distance between Seattle, United States and Dubai, United Arab Emirates? How many miles is it from Dubai to Seattle. 7403 miles / 11913.97 km is the flight distance between these two places.
- Flight distance from Seattle to Dubai (Seattle– Tacoma International Airport – Dubai International Airport) is 7425 miles / 11949 kilometers / 6452 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 14 hours 33 minutes. Seattle – Dubai
How many air miles is it from Seattle to Florida?
Distance between Seattle, WA (SEA) and Orlando, FL (MCO) Flight distance from Seattle to Orlando (Seattle–Tacoma International Airport – Orlando International Airport) is 2554 miles / 4110 kilometers / 2219 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 5 hours 20 minutes.
How many air miles is it from Seattle to New York?
Distance between Seattle, WA (SEA) and New York, NY (JFK) Flight distance from Seattle to New York (Seattle–Tacoma International Airport – New York John F. Kennedy International Airport) is 2421 miles / 3897 kilometers / 2104 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 5 hours 5 minutes.
How many air miles is it from Seattle to Las Vegas?
How many miles is it from Seattle to Las Vegas. 1208 miles / 1944.09 km is the flight distance between these two places.
How many air miles is it from Dubai to Orlando?
Distance from Dubai to Orlando The shortest distance (air line) between Dubai and Orlando is 7,736.22 mi (12,450.25 km).
How many air miles is it from Seattle to Miami?
How many miles is it from Seattle to Miami. 2732 miles / 4396.73 km is the flight distance between these two places.
How long is flight from Seattle to California?
Non-stop flight time is around 2 hours 45 minutes. Quickest one-stop flight takes close to 4 hours. However, some airlines could take as long as 15 hours based on the stopover destination and waiting duration.
How far is Seattle to California by plane?
Distance between Seattle, WA (SEA) and Los Angeles, CA (LAX) Flight distance from Seattle to Los Angeles (Seattle–Tacoma International Airport – Los Angeles International Airport) is 954 miles / 1535 kilometers / 829 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 2 hours 18 minutes.
Is Seattle close to Florida?
Distance from Seattle to Florida The shortest distance (air line) between Seattle and Florida is 2,581.44 mi (4,154.42 km). The shortest route between Seattle and Florida is 3,143.86 mi (5,059.55 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. 56h 4min.
How many air miles is it from Seattle to Los Angeles?
The shortest distance (air line) between Seattle and Los-Angeles is 960.21 mi (1,545.30 km).
How long of Adrive is it from Seattle to LA?
The total driving time is 17 hours, 20 minutes. Your trip begins in Seattle, Washington. It ends in Los Angeles, California.
How far is Las Vegas from Washington by plane?
Las Vegas to Washington Distance • Map & Travel Direction What is the travel distance between Las Vegas, United States and Washington, United States? How many miles is it from Washington to Las Vegas. 1561 miles / 2512.19 km is the flight distance between these two places.
Seattle to Dubai distance (SEA to DXB)
There are a number of different methods for calculating the distance between Los Angeles and Chicago. Here are two often used techniques: Vincenty’s secret recipe (applied above)
- 6452.129 nautical miles
- 7424.978 miles
- 11949.343 kilometers
- 6452.129 nautical miles
Vincenty’s formula, which is based on an ellipsoidal model of the world, is used to compute the distance between latitude and longitude positions on the planet’s surface. Formula containing haversine
- 7411.509 miles
- 11927.668 kilometers
- 6440.425 nautical miles
- 7411.509 miles
In the case of a sphere-shaped earth, the haversine formula is used to compute the distance between two places in latitude and longitude (great-circle distance, which is the shortest distance between two points).
Flight Duration
The journey from Seattle–Tacoma International Airport to Dubai International Airport is expected to take 14 hours 33 minutes, according to the airline.
Carbon dioxide emissions
On average, traveling from Seattle to Dubai creates around 915 kg of CO2 per passenger; 915 kilograms is equal to 2,018 pounds of CO2 emissions (lbs). The values are based on estimations and include solely the CO2 emitted as a result of the combustion of jet fuel.
Map of flight path from Seattle to Dubai
Between Seattle–Tacoma International Airport (SEA) and Dubai International Airport (DXB), this is the shortest flying path (DXB).
Airlines flying from Seattle (SEA) to Dubai (DXB)
There are a number of different methods for calculating the distance between Los Angeles and Chicago. Here are two often used techniques: Vincenty’s secret recipe (applied above)
- 6452.129 nautical miles
- 7424.978 miles
- 11949.343 kilometers
- 6452.129 nautical miles
Vincenty’s formula, which is based on an ellipsoidal model of the world, is used to compute the distance between latitude and longitude positions on the planet’s surface. Formula containing haversine
- 7411.509 miles
- 11927.668 kilometers
- 6440.425 nautical miles
- 7411.509 miles
In the case of a sphere-shaped earth, the haversine formula is used to compute the distance between two places in latitude and longitude (great-circle distance, which is the shortest distance between two points).
Flight Duration
The journey from Dubai International Airport to Seattle–Tacoma International Airport is expected to take 14 hours 33 minutes, according to the airline.
Carbon dioxide emissions
The typical person traveling from Dubai to Seattle creates around 915 kg of CO2; 915 kilograms is equal to 2,018 pounds of CO2 emissions (lbs). The values are based on estimations and include solely the CO2 emitted as a result of the combustion of jet fuel.
Map of flight path from Dubai to Seattle
Between Dubai International Airport (DXB) and Seattle–Tacoma International Airport (SEA), this is the shortest flight path (SEA).
Airlines flying from Dubai (DXB) to Seattle (SEA)
In the fast calculation above, we assumed you were flying in a private plane and were just interested in knowing how much time you would spend in the air traveling from one location to another. However, for the most majority of us, we’ll be using a commercial plane (whether in first class or coach) to get there. As a result, we must include in all of the additional time spent traveling to and from the airport, waiting for our flight, and arriving at our destination. A flight schedule with genuine airports has been created to provide you with a more accurate representation of real-world travel.
As an example, we’ve chosen the following scenario to give you a sense of how flying between airports may function in the future.
Arriving at the airport takes 33 minutes.
After that, let’s look at a real flight from SEA to DXB on Emirates and see how long it would take to complete the journey, including takeoff and landing time, as well as time to taxi on the runway (if applicable).
Traveling time totaled 18 hours. Check out the flight planner for more information on this travel plan, including preferred airports, airlines, and routes: http://www.flightplanner.com/
Seattle to Dubai Flight Time, Distance, Route Map
Flight time from Seattle, United States to Dubai, United Arab Emirates is 14 hours 49 minutes if flying at the prevailing winds and conditions. Our flight time calculator considers that a commercial aircraft would fly at an average speed of 500 miles per hour, which is equivalent to 805 kilometers per hour or 434 knots. Actual flight timings may differ based on the aircraft type, cruising speed, route, weather conditions, passenger load, and a variety of other variables.
What is the Flight Distance Between Seattle and Dubai?
The flight distance between Seattle, Washington, and Dubai, United Arab Emirates is 7404 miles. This equates to around 11915 kilometers or 6430 nautical miles. The determined distance (air line) between two points is the straight line distance or direct flight distance between the two points in question. The distance between two points measured in miles and kilometers depending on their latitudes and longitudes. It is possible that this mileage is significantly different from the real travel distance.
Seattle – Dubai TimezonesTime Difference
The current local time in Seattle is Tuesday, February 11th, 23:40:02. It is currently 10:40:02 +04 in Dubai on the 12th of February, 2022. Between Seattle, Washington (United States), and Dubai, United Arab Emirates, there is a difference of 11 hours. The time in Dubai is 11 hours ahead of the time in Seattle.
Seattle to Dubai Flight Route Map
The following is a map of the flight route from Seattle, United States, to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. To see the nonstop flight path and travel directions from Seattle to Dubai, please use the map below.
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Miles Calculator for flydubai
Fill out the form below to find out how many Miles you can earn flying on an Emirates route, or how many Miles you’ll need to spend to purchase a ticket or upgrade on an Emirates flight. Please make sure that the color of your tier is highlighted so that any bonus Miles may be seen. For a breakdown of the Miles you will earn on flights you have already booked, please log in and go to your Upcoming Travel section in your account. Please keep in mind that the number of Miles indicated in the calculator may differ from the number of Miles stated at the time of booking, depending on your itinerary, which will include carrier-imposed fees and government taxes, as well as your destination.
Miles Calculator for flydubai
On all flydubai flights, you will be able to earn Skywards Miles and Tier Miles. When traveling, the quantity of Skywards Miles you earn is determined on the destination, fare type, class of travel, and membership tier you are traveling in. If you want to know how many Miles you will earn on your next flydubai flight, you may use the Miles Calculator. To find out how many Miles you may earn, simply enter your journey origin and destination in the fields below.
Keep in mind to choose your Emirates Skywards membership tier in order to see how many additional Miles you may earn. Find out more about the destinations served by flydubai. (This link will open an external website in a new tab.)
Emirates Special offers
Browse through our current deals below, and remember to come back often because we are always adding new ones. More deals are available.
Seattle to Tokyo Flight Distance in Miles and Kilometers
The flight distance between Seattle and Tokyo is 4,803 miles (7,731 kilometers). To find out how many reward miles you may earn for this flight, please use the calculator provided below. The journey from Seattle to Tokyo is expected to take 10 hours 33 minutes, according to the airline. The return trip will take 17 hours and 31 minutes. In the time zone difference between Seattle and Tokyo, there is a 17-hour gap. Tokyo is 17 hours ahead of Seattle in terms of time. Make use of the slider below to calculate the time difference between Seattle and Tokyo.
The final number of reward miles you receive is determined by the booking class you choose and the program tier level you are in.
However, the actual number of miles you receive will be determined by the regulations of your frequent flyer program, the booking class you choose, and your rank in the program.
Telephone | (206) 787-5388 |
IATA Code | SEA |
City | Seattle |
Country | United States |
Address | 17801 International Blvd, Seattle, WA 98158 |
Distance from SEA to HND | 4,803 miles (7731 km) |
Distance from SEA to NRT | 4,768 miles (7674 km) |
Telephone | (206) 296-7380 |
IATA Code | BFI |
City | Seattle |
Country | United States |
Address | 7277 Perimeter Rd S, Seattle, WA 98108 |
Distance from BFI to HND | 4,801 miles (7727 km) |
Distance from BFI to NRT | 4,765 miles (7670 km) |
Telephone | (866) 435-9524 |
IATA Code | LKE |
City | Seattle |
Country | United States |
Address | 6321 NE 175th St, Kenmore, WA 98028 |
Distance from LKE to HND | 4,796 miles (7719 km) |
Distance from LKE to NRT | 4,760 miles (7662 km) |
Telephone | +81 3-5757-8111 |
IATA Code | HND |
City | Tokyo |
Country | Japan |
Address | Hanedakuko, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0041, Japan |
Distance from HND to SEA | 4,803 miles (7731 km) |
Distance from HND to BFI | 4,801 miles (7727 km) |
Distance from HND to LKE | 4,796 miles (7719 km) |
Telephone | +81 476-34-8000 |
IATA Code | NRT |
City | Tokyo |
Country | Japan |
Address | 1-1 Furugome, Narita, Chiba 282-0004, Japan |
Distance from NRT to SEA | 4,768 miles (7674 km) |
Distance from NRT to BFI | 4,765 miles (7670 km) |
Distance from NRT to LKE | 4,760 miles (7662 km) |
Seattle to Dubai flight duration
The trip from Seattle to Dubai takes approximately how long? There is one direct flight from Seattle to Dubai per day on average, leaving from Seattle. In the table below, you’ll discover the shortest flight duration, the longest flight length, and the average flight duration. DepartSeattleArriveDubai
Average direct flight time is14 hours 10 minutes.
From Seattle to Dubai, the shortest direct trip takes 14 hours and ten minutes. A total of 7,406 miles (11,919 kilometers) was covered.
Seattle to Dubai flight duration breakdown
- Average flight duration:
- Shortest flight duration:
- Longest flight duration:
- Average flight duration:
- Flights per day on average:
Airport, DistancesFlight Duration Information
- The average flight duration between Seattle and Dubai is 14 hours and 10 minutes. The distance between Seattle and Dubai is 7,406 miles / 11,919 kilometers. There are two airports serving the city of Seattle. In Seattle, there are two airports: Boeing Field (BFI) and Seattle Tacoma International Airport (SEA)
- In Dubai, there are two airports: Dubai World Central International Airport (DWC) and Dubai International Airport (DXB)
- And in Phoenix, there are two airports: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX)
In the average, it takes 14 hours 10 minutes to fly fromSeattle to Dubai. The distance betweenSeattle and Dubai is 7,406 miles / 11,919 kilometers. There are two airports serving Seattle. Airports in Seattle include Boeing Field (BFI) and Seattle Tacoma International Airport (SEA); Dubai is served by two airports, Dubai World Central International Airport (DWC) and Dubai International Airport (DXB); and San Francisco is served by two airports: Boeing Field (BFI) and San Francisco International Airport (SFO).
International flight from Seattle / Tacoma to Dubai Flying with Emirates is a great experience. Plan ahead of time because flight timings might vary based on a variety of factors such as weather conditions, wind speed, flight path, and air traffic congestion in the area. As a result of these considerations, the real flight duration may be less than 24 minutes, but it may also be longer than the advertised time on occasion.
Seattle to Dubai flight time through Toronto Pearson International |via YYZSeattle to Toronto Pearson International flight time via Toronto Pearson International 4 hours 32 minutes is the time in minutes. Wait for a connecting flight to arrive. 8 hours and 28 minutes have elapsed. Toronto Pearson International Airport to Dubai International Airport 12 hours and 50 minutes have elapsed. The total travel duration is 25 hours and 50 minutes. Flight time from Seattle to Dubai through Paris Charles de Gaulle |
- Wait for a connecting flight to arrive.
- From Paris Charles de Gaulle International Airport to Dubai 6 hours and 55 minutes are left on the clock.
- Flight time from Seattle to Dubai through Amsterdam |
- Wait for a connecting flight to arrive.
- From Amsterdam to Dubai, it’s a long flight.
Just keep in mind that indirect flights will always take longer than direct flights because you will be landing and taking off from at least one additional airport, and taking off and landing is the most time consuming part of any flight because it is done at much slower speeds than taking off and landing.
Indirect / multi-stop flights from Poole to London can take anything from four to eight hours, depending on the route you pick and how long you have to wait for your connecting aircraft to arrive in London.
SeattleDubai local time and timezones
Boeing 737-800 from Seattle to Dubai through Toronto Pearson International |via YYZSeattle to Toronto Pearson International flight time Boeing 737-800 from Seattle to Dubai Four and a half hours and thirty-two minutes Continue to wait for the next flight. It will take 8 hours 28 minutes to complete the journey. The flight from Toronto Pearson International to Dubai is scheduled to depart on June 1, 2019. Exactly 12 hours 50 minutes have passed. 25 hours and 50 minutes total travel time Boeing 737-800 from Seattle to Dubai through Paris Charles de Gaulle |tovia CDGSeattle to Paris Charles de Gaulle flight time Boeing 737-800 from Seattle to Dubai flight time the duration of time: 9 hours 51 minutes Continue to wait for the next flight.
- 22 hours and 16 minutes is the total time spent traveling.
- Continue to wait for the next flight.
- 30 minutes (six hours and thirty minutes).
- Indirect / multi-stop flights from Poole to London can take anything from three to eight hours, depending on the route you pick and how long you have to wait for your connecting aircraft to depart from London.
Reward flights
Are you daydreaming about your next adventure? Pay for it with the points you earned from your previous purchase. It’s a simple process. Our reward tickets are divided into two categories: regular season and peak season. Consult the tables below to see how many points you’ll need for your selected dates and location. Do not forget to take advantage of the new tier point earning opportunity starting on September 1st 2020 on all reward flights you book. More information may be found by clickinghere.
Your points are well taken.
So, where do we go from here?
Reward flight deals
We’ve picked some of our most popular locations that can be reached for as little as 18,000 Virgin Points round-trip.
Explore our Reward flight offers and select a destination that will make you feel like you’ve won the lottery. Check to see if you have enough money for your ideal vacation. Check out how many points you’ll earn on your next flight.
Spend your points on a reward seat
You’ll need to earn enough points to fly on a Virgin Atlantic Reward Flight, which is offered in three different class configurations: Economy Classic, Premium, and Upper Class.
- Flights on standard season Reward Flights may be purchased for as cheap as 18,000 points for an Economy Classic round-trip ticket. Peak season Reward Flights start at 22,000 points for an Economy Classic round-trip flight
- During the off-season, the starting point is 20,000 points.
Due to the fact that our Caribbean locations have slightly variable seasonality, we have separated them into separate sections.
Standard season travel dates
- 20 April to 18 June 2021
- 6 September to 14 October 2021
- 27 October to 10 December 2021
- 6 January to 31 March 2022
- 26 April to 29 May 2022
- 6 June to 17 June 2022
- 5 September to 30 September 2022
- 6
Caribbean standard season travel dates
- The period from 20 April to 13 July 2021
- 6 September to 14 October 2021
- 27 October to 10 December 2021
- 7 March to 6 April 2022
- 27 April to 29 May 2022
- 6 June to 15 July 2022
- And the period from 5 August to 30 September 2022
Taxes, fees, and carrier-imposed surcharges may apply to reward flights, and availability is subject to change at any time. The Economy Light package does not provide any upgrades. In the event of a companion ticket in Economy, the companion ticket will be booked into Economy Classic.
Standard season Reward Flights (round trip)
Route To/from UK | Economy Classic | Premium | Upper Class |
Israel | 18,000* | 32,000* | 56,000* |
IndiaPakistan | 20,000* | 35,000* | 75,000* |
USA – Northeast(Boston, Newark, New York JFK, Washington DC) | 20,000* | 35,000* | 95,000* |
Caribbean | 20,000* | 35,000* | 115,000* |
USA – MidwestSouth(Atlanta, Miami, Orlando) | 25,000* | 45,000* | 95,000* |
Nigeria, China and Hong Kong | 25,000* | 45,000* | 115,000* |
South Africa | 25,000* | 50,000* | 115,000* |
USA – West(Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle) | 30,000* | 55,000* | 135,000* |
Please note:Taxes, fees and carrier-imposed surcharges apply to all Reward Flights.All points shown in this table are per round trip. For one way, the points are simply half of the round trip. |
Peak season travel dates
- During the following time periods: 19 June to 5 September 2021
- 15 October to 26 October 2021
- 11 December to 31 December 2021
- 1 January to 5 January 2022
- 1 April to 25 April 2022
- 30 May to 5 June 2022
- 18 June to 4 September 2022
- During the following time periods: 19 June to 5 September 2020
Caribbean peak season travel dates
- 14 July to 5 September 2021
- 15 October to 26 October 2021
- 11 December to 31 December 2021
- 1 January to 6 March 2022
- 7 April – 26 April 2022
- 30 May – 5 June 2022
- 16 June – 4 September 2022
- 14 July to 5 September 2021
- 14 July to 5 September 20
Taxes, fees, and carrier-imposed surcharges may apply to reward flights, and availability is subject to change at any time. The Economy Light package does not provide any upgrades. In the event of a companion ticket in Economy, the companion ticket will be booked into Economy Classic.
Peak season Reward Flights (round trip)
Route To/from UK | Economy Classic | Premium | Upper Class |
Israel | 22,000* | 40,000* | 66,000* |
IndiaPakistan | 40,000* | 55,000* | 95,000* |
USA – Northeast(Boston, Newark, New York JFK, Washington DC) | 40,000* | 55,000* | 115,000* |
Caribbean | 40,000* | 55,000* | 135,000* |
USA – MidwestSouth(Atlanta, Miami, Orlando) | 45,000* | 65,000* | 115,000* |
Nigeria, China and Hong Kong | 45,000* | 65,000* | 135,000* |
South Africa | 45,000* | 85,000* | 135,000* |
USA – West(Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle) | 50,000* | 75,000* | 155,000* |
Please note:Taxes, fees and carrier imposed surcharges apply to all reward flights.A Premium purchased ticket will get you a 50% discount off a Premium Reward Flight.An Upper Class purchased ticket, will get you 50% discount an Upper Class Reward Flight.All points shown in the table above are per roundtrip. For one way, the points are simply half of the round trip.All Reward Flights are subject to availability and can only be used on Virgin Atlantic flights.Companion tickets in Economy will be booked into Economy Classic. |
The following information will be required (one way) if you are buying a Reward ticket for an infant who is under the age of two (at the time of travel) and who will be travelling on your lap:
- 1,000 points in Economy
- 2,000 points in Premium
- 5,000 points in Upper Class
- And 1,000 points in Business.
How to book
You may book Reward Flights on the internet. When looking for your flight, just keep in mind to select ‘pay with points’ as a payment option. If your trip dates are somewhat flexible, have a look at the five-week schedule for some inspiration. Enter your travel dates and choose ‘within 5 weeks’, and you’ll be presented with a plethora of other Reward Seat options.
Tab Panel
Some pointers on how to get the most out of your reward booking are provided below: Recommendations for making a reservation
Points Plus Money
Use your points to save money on your next Virgin Atlantic flight. You may start earning points as soon as you have 3,000 points in your account. What it is and how it works