How To Raise Dubai Beetles? (Best solution)

  • Check every one to two days to make sure the roaches have food and water, and that the temperature is at least 85 degrees F. Clean out the tote every month or so. You can do this by placing the egg flats into a different tote, dumping out most of the frass and exo-skeletons, and then returning the egg flats.

How many Dubia roaches do you need to start a colony?

If you want to put your own starter colony together, get medium roaches so you know they are young and will be in top breeding condition. Start with at least 20 roaches, 5 male roaches (full wings) and 15 females (wing stubs only). The more roaches you start with, the more babies you’ll end up with. You’re in business!

Can you raise Dubia roaches?

If you would still like to start a colony, you can learn more below: Breeding dubia roaches can be simple and is almost a by-product of proper care: if your roaches are housed, heated and fed correctly, they will breed on their own. Temperatures of at least 85F are required to breed Dubia roaches successfully.

What do you feed Dubia beetles?

Food selection Roaches are opportunistic scavengers that have simple basic needs. Dubia roaches, therefore, eat almost anything you give them. In general, you can feed them with most vegetables and fruits, but also whole-grain bread, cereal grains, and oats. Roaches particular like oranges and other orange foods.

How do you tell if my Dubia roaches are breeding?

Like sandra said, tiny new nymphs are the best way to tell if they are breeding. You might also come across a newly birthed group that are white/grey with a female watching over them. I once watched two females give birth in the same “cup” in an egg flat and a third female came over to sit on top of the babies.

Do Dubia roaches need water?

Hydration. Like all insects, Dubia roaches need moisture in some form. You can meet their hydration needs with fresh fruits and vegetables, water, or both. However, if you plan on keeping the roaches for a while, it becomes important to use a dish when giving your roaches food and water.

How many Dubia roaches should a bearded dragon eat a day?

Feeding Bearded Dragons A full grown bearded dragon can eat three to five Dubia roaches over the course of two to three feedings per day. In contrast, you’ll need larger quantities of Dubia roaches for baby bearded dragons. They typically eat 25 to 50 of these insects per day and can be fed multiple times each day.

Do Dubia roaches bite?

Dubia roaches won’t attack, bite, or otherwise harass you or your animals. Darkling beetles may nibble on resting reptiles or arachnids. They may even try eating their fellow food bowl mates.

What happens if Dubia roaches get out?

Will dubia roaches infest my house if they escape? No, thank goodness! In order to breed, dubia roaches need higher temperatures and humidity than your house is able to provide. If they escape, they will simply hide out somewhere until they eventually die.

Do Dubia roaches need substrate?

Note that you will not need any substrate. Roaches actually burrow in their own droppings, so they don’t need anything extra; and substrate only makes it more difficult for you to clean the cage. Temperature and humidity levels greatly affect Dubia roaches.

Do crickets eat Dubia roaches?

New Member. The black crickets will attack the Dubias, not sure about the brown ones (crickets are nasty). There was a thread where there was a pic of a cricket eating a Dubia, I’ll have to find it.

Where should I store Dubia roaches?

Keeping dubia roaches between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal, however the warmer they are, the quicker they will grow. Many keep their dubias in a garage or spare closet where the temperatures will be slightly warmer than the rest of the house.

Can you leave Dubia roaches in bearded dragon tank?

Bearded dragons love Dubia roaches because they’re super delicious. Dubia roaches provide a wide range of nutrients that help keep bearded dragons healthy and active. They have more of the good stuff beardies need with less of the bad stuff they don’t.

Why are my Dubia roaches not eating?

Inadequate food Reproduction may slow if Dubia roaches don’t have enough food or if they have the wrong food. Too much protein and too few carbohydrates will have a negative effect on their health. Too little dietary protein may result in the adults eating their offspring.

How to Start a Dubia Roach Colony

Are you fed up with making countless journeys to the pet store to purchase feeders for your reptiles? Is it time to give up? Your home is filled with the scent of dead crickets, isn’t it? There is a simple solution: establish a colony of dubia roaches! They are less stinky and loud than crickets, and they are more nutritious than crickets. They are also simpler to breed. IMPORTANT: Please be advised that creating your own dubia roach colony is NOT something we advocate. It is typical for people to acquire an allergy to dubia roaches after being exposed to them for an extended period of time and receiving excessive handling.

Handling your dubia roaches in a well-ventilated environment, as well as wearing gloves and a respirator, will help lessen the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction to the roaches.

We would like to point you that the responses will begin with itchy skin and progress to irritated eyes and congestion before culminating in severe respiratory problems.

If you are still interested in starting your own colony, continue reading:

Here is a basic step-by-step guide for how to start a dubia roach colony

Your colony can be kept in an aquarium of 10 gallons or greater, or in a plastic tub of 40 gallons or more. Despite the fact that dubia roaches cannot climb or fly, they should be protected with a cover. Purchase a screen cover for your aquarium. The majority of plastic tubs are supplied with coverings. Alternatively, cut a hole in the cover at least 6′′x6′′ and put a piece of screen over it using a hot soldering iron (push the iron into the plastic to produce the holes). Aside from keeping the cage dry, proper ventilation is also important for proper roach care.

The ability to utilize an additional tub when cleaning your colony is a convenient feature to have.

2. Get heat

It is possible to keep your colony in a 10 gallon aquarium or bigger, or in a 40-quart plastic tub or larger. A cover will keep them secure, even though dubia roaches are incapable of climbing or flying. Get a screen cover for your aquarium. Covers are included with the majority of plastic containers. Use a hot soldering iron to create ventilation holes around the edges of the tub at the top (push the iron into the plastic), or cut a hole in the cover that is at least 6′′x6′′ and glue a piece of screen over it.

The air will also aid in keeping the cage dry, which is necessary for proper roach care. Purchase of a plastic drawer unit is another wonderful option to consider. When you’re cleaning your colony, it’s convenient to have an extra tub available. What to buy, as an example:

  • In addition to the ZooMed UTH, there is also a ZooMed heat wire, a ceramic heat emitter, and thermostats and lamp dimmers, including a Zilla thermostat and a Home Depot lamp dimmer.

3. Provide a place for your roaches to stand

If your roaches don’t have somewhere to stand, they’ll start crushing each other. Egg crates, which are cardboard pieces that appear like the cartons that come with the eggs you purchase, are the finest answer. Those boxes should not be used since they are usually coated with chemicals that are harmful to roaches. Visit to learn more about egg flats. Stack the cartons in the enclosure, taking care not to stack them all the way to the top so that they don’t wind up serving as roach stepping stones to the outside world.

4. Get nutritious food and no-spill water

Roach chow, cricket feed, or any commercial gut load are good sources of nutrition for roaches. Some individuals feed their dogs dry dog food or chicken mash, however we do not advocate using a meat-based protein blend for your dog’s nutrition. Keep a supply in a cool, dry area where it will not go stale or moldy. Fruit and vegetable peels, such as carrot, apple, and orange, can be added to your roach food to make it more palatable. Water: Roaches will drown if they are placed in a bowl of water.

Now you’re ready to get the roaches!

Roaches, like every other species, including humans, have a life cycle that they follow. A successful colony possesses the following characteristics:

  • Because a single man may impregnate numerous females, there are more females than men. A significant quantity of roaches of breeding size. Roaches are incapable of reproducing while they are still juveniles (nymphs)
  • Older roaches are less prolific. Some nymphs that you would not eat because they are poisonous. When your original breeders reach the age of insanity, these will grow up to become your new breeders.

Prepare your enclosure, including the heating system, egg crate, food, and water, before the roaches come. Purchase the roaches from a trustworthy supplier. There are no roaches that are specifically bred for breeding. Obtain the same roaches that you would use for meal preparation. A beginning colony of roaches is sold by certain vendors, and it contains a group of young adult roaches in the right male to female ratio. You should get medium roaches if you intend to build your own starting colony since this will ensure that they are young and in peak reproductive condition.

The greater the number of roaches you start with, the greater the number of kids you’ll end up with.

Place the cage in a secluded and dark location.

In the event that your roaches are already of reproductive age, it should only take a few weeks for the first nymphs to emerge from their eggs.

Do the math

Consider the following as your roach colony grows: you want a 1:4 male-to-female ratio, as well as enough young adults to replace the breeders every 8 to 12 months or so.

Keep an eye on your colony on a regular basis. Feed the older (bigger) females, as well as the roaches that are the suitable size for your reptiles. Keep track of the balance as you decide which roaches to employ as feeders and how many of them to utilize.

Breeding Dubia Roaches: How to Start your Own Colony

A variety of factors contribute to the fact that dubia roaches are one of the most frequent feeder insects. Cockroaches are nutritious, have a thin exoskeleton, and do not stink nearly as much as crickets or other roaches, which are more odoriferous. Furthermore, dubia roaches are available in sizes ranging from 1/8 of an inch to huge adults measuring 2 inches. And these are just a few of the reasons why reptile owners purchase dubia roaches for use as feeder insects in their enclosures. For those who are open-minded and daring, raising a dubia roach colony will allow you to feed practically any sized insectivore, whether it’s a reptile, amphibian, or spider.

Sexing Dubia Roaches

Before you can start breeding dubia roaches in a colony, you must first learn how to identify between them based on their age and their gender. Because they are significantly smaller than adults, juvenile roaches are easy to distinguish from adults. In addition, all cockroaches have an incomplete metamorphosis. This implies that the juveniles, also known as nymphs, do not have wings or reproductive organs like the adults. Wings indicate that the roach is an adult in full development! To begin, remove all of the winged adults into a separate container and set them aside.

  1. Men have lengthy wings that completely encircle their abdomen, as can be seen in the figure to the right.
  2. The length of the roach’s wings is only approximately a quarter of its overall length, leaving a significant section of the female’s abdomen exposed.
  3. Place 5 females and a single male in a new container that will be used as a breeding colony and set it aside.
  4. It is because of this ratio that there would be no severe competition or fighting among the guys.

Set up a Colony!

When raising cockroaches, it doesn’t matter what container you use as long as they have enough space to spread out and don’t trample one other. The majority of breeders use big Rubbermaid containers, with a few opting for glass terrariums instead. You should maintain your roaches in a dark environment with low exposure to light, since this is the most critical factor to consider. Roaches must be able to hide in large numbers in transparent housing, such as a glass terrarium, in order to avoid being exposed to too much light.

If you have small children or dogs, you will want to cover the container with a lid.

You shouldn’t have to be concerned about the lid as long as your container is kept in a dark place away from any light sources, dogs, or children.

Because roaches are able to climb on surfaces such as wood or brick, it is not suggested that you construct your container from any of these materials. The best option is glass or plastic.

Temperature and Humidity

Dubia roaches prefer it when it is hot and humid! They are a tropical type of roach that may be found in the wild on a number of Caribbean islands. The temperature should be at least 85 degrees Fahrenheit for them as a result of this. Purchase a heating pad and place it at the bottom of the container to ensure that these temperatures are maintained continuously throughout the process. Dubia roaches will not consistently reproduce at temperatures below these levels. However, bear in mind that when the temperature rises, you will need to add moisture in order to maintain a stable humidity level.

If the humidity in the container is too low, you may need to add a humidifier to maintain the humidity level high.

Substate and Hiding Places

Even while these roaches may be reared without a substrate, using a high-quality substrate will improve the health and quality of your breeding colony in the end. A typical method of roach breeding is to utilize coconut fibers that have been wet with water before usage. The humidity will remain reasonably high as a result of this, as will be the case. Caution should be exercised while working with cedarwood, which may be poisonous. Your roaches will also require a safe haven in which to hide.

The containers give a large amount of surface space for roaches to hide on.

The carton material is also excellent at holding moisture, which will aid in the appropriate molting of your roaches.

Feeding Time

When compared to other roach species, Dubia roaches are far more concentrated on fruit consumption. They eat practically any type of fruit, including apples, bananas, cherries, and oranges, and they are particularly fond of oranges. They will also consume a wide variety of different plants, ranging from leafy greens to avocados. You may also give them a grain-based dry dog or cat food to help them get the protein they need in their diet. If your ladies are not producing offspring, you should consider breeding them.

Problem-Solving Your Dubia Roach Colony

Depending on how closely you followed the instructions in this article, you should begin to see young nymph roaches after approximately a month. Nymphs are born with an exoskeleton that is white until it hardens, at which point they will grow to reach around 18 inches long. Females are ovoviviparous, which means they give live birth to a large number of nymphs after storing an egg sac in their abdomen for more than a month. Your nymphs will have gone through around 7 molts by the time they reach sexual maturity, which will take 4-6 months.

The absence of newborn infants after a month indicates that there are numerous critical components of your colony that must be examined.

Dubia roaches require temperatures in excess of 85 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity in excess of 60 percent, as well as a 12-hour light cycle.

If none of these tactics prove successful, consider providing your roaches with a greater variety of food, since they may be suffering from a nutritional shortage that is preventing them from reproducing properly.

If you follow the recommendations in this article to the letter, you should have no trouble raising a healthy colony of dubia roaches to feed to your bearded dragon, leopard gecko, or other insectivorous pet. Wishing you the best of luck!

Dubia Roach Care: How to Successfully Keep Roaches for Your Bearded Dragon

When it comes to providing a high-quality source of protein and nutrients for your bearded dragon, the Dubia roach is hard to beat. It’s one of the most nutritious things you can feed your beardie. And, fortunately, Dubia roaches are among the most straightforward feeder insects to raise. Learn all you need to know about caring for Dubia roaches so that you may better care for your dragon in the future.

How to Care for Dubia Roaches: Getting Started

When deciding to keep roaches, the most crucial thing to consider is what you want to achieve with them in the long run. Do you wish to start your own colony or are you only interested in keeping feeder insects? The specifics of your Dubia roach care plan may vary according on your goals and objectives. Here you’ll learn mostly how to care for feeder roaches, with a few tips on breeding thrown in for good measure. A word about breeding: If you intend to breed roaches, you should be aware that some individuals might develop allergies to roaches after continuous exposure and interaction with them.

Instead, consider aroach subscriptions, which provide the convenience of having the precise amount of roaches at the exact size you need sent to your home at the exact time your dragon need them.

To get you started, here’s everything you’ll need to know:

  • A dark-colored plastic container with a cover, or a glass tank with a mesh lid, are both suitable options. Make certain that the sides of your chosen confinement are smooth. Although roaches cannot climb up walls, they can utilize scuffed surfaces as support and may be able to escape if the interior is not smooth and free of obstructions. Additional considerations: If you want to use a plastic bin, be sure to cut a ventilation hole in the lid and fix mesh over it with a glue gun
  • Egg crates The bottoms of egg cartons are frequently available for purchase at your local grocery shop. Roaches like scurrying in and out of the cracks and fissures in the ground. For roaches in smaller numbers, you may simply take apart standard-size egg cartons and utilize the bottoms
  • For larger roaches, you can use the tops of standard-size egg cartons. Chowder with roaches. Although not completely necessary because roaches can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables that most people already have in their homes, roach chow is an effective way to supplement your dragon’s diet with essential nutrients that will help it thrive. roach chow is available in a variety of flavors and can be purchased online. In order for a dragon to have a healthy and happy life, it must first be healthy and happy. Clean and handy water gel or crystals, such as our clean and convenient water gel Bug Chug is a slang term for a cockroach. A shallow water dish as well as one or two shallow feeding bowls
  • In the event that you are breeding or storing your roaches in a non-heated garage or other unregulated area, a modest heater is recommended. A little thermometer and hygrometer to keep track of the temperature and humidity levels in your aquarium

Creating the Optimal Environment

  • Select the appropriate size for your bin or tank. The size of your confinement unit will be determined by the number of dubia roaches you wish to retain at any one moment. Because dubia roaches prefer to live in close quarters, they will essentially reside on top of one another. A bigger container (for example, a 14-gallon plastic tote) will be necessary if you intend to breed
  • But, if you intend to keep only 30 to 50 roaches at a time, a smaller container will be necessary.
  • Make a decision on where you will store your roaches. They love to dwell in complete darkness, therefore if you are using a glass terrarium, you will need to place it somewhere where there will be no light coming in. Even though the room is gloomy, if you are utilizing a solid-colored plastic bin, preferably navy or black, it will not make a significant difference to the contents. If the thought of harboring roaches in your house makes you uncomfortable, a garage or shed can suffice as long as you provide adequate heat. Stack vertically in the bin or tank, ensuring that there is at least a few inches between the lid and the top of each egg carton to prevent any potential of escape. Roaches enjoy crawling through the egg cubbies, and this will make it easy for you to remove the roaches when it is time to feed the chickens in the nest. Placing the thermometer and hygrometer in the bin or tank
  • If necessary, adding the heater
  • And finally adding the roaches.

Please keep in mind that you will not require any substrate. Roaches actually burrow in their own droppings, so they don’t require any more substrate, and adding substrate merely makes it more difficult for you to clean the cage properly. Heat and humidity are two factors to consider. Temperature and humidity conditions have a significant impact on Dubia roaches. Following these principles can help you achieve your roach-related objectives:

  • Growth. The temperature in which your roaches dwell determines whether or not they will develop. If you already have roaches that are the right size for your dragon, keep the temperature between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit in their existing home (60 or below is best). Keeping their temperature between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal if you are breeding them or if you want them to flourish for any other purpose. The closer the temperature gets to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, the more beneficial it is for reproduction
  • Temperatures between 90 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit should be maintained at 60 percent humidity for maximum comfort for the animals. Dubia roaches that are not in the process of reproducing do not have any special humidity needs, however it is not harmful to sprinkle them with water every now and then if the air is dry where they are housed. If your roaches are having difficulty molting, you may need to boost the humidity a little
  • Nonetheless, roaches generally do well with humidity levels ranging between 40 and 60 percent.

What to Feed Dubia Roaches

You should be feeding and loading your roaches’ guts. Dubia roaches are well-known for consuming virtually any type of food, rotten or not spoilt. They have even been observed consuming non-food objects like as paper, glue, and other similar materials. However, just because Dubia roaches are capable of consuming nearly anything does not imply that they should do so. When deciding what to feed your roaches, consider the health of your dragon as a top priority. What are the most important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for your dragon?

Gut-loading is the term used to describe this procedure.

Foods that are safe It’s important to remember that even though your dragon is your top priority, whatever you feed your roaches must be suitable for their consumption.

The majority of the food available at your local grocery store is safe for roaches to consume. In addition to being beneficial to your dragon, the following roaches are popular among people.

  • Apples, bananas, beets, berries, broccoli, carrots, and citrus fruit are some of the fruits available. (While roaches adore delicious citrus fruits, they should only be provided once or twice a week at most. Bearded dragons are unable to handle large amounts of citrus. Their digestive systems are unable to cope with the acidity.)
  • Corn, dried fruit, leafy greens, and lettuce are examples of such foods (Although this is nutrient-deficient for humans and bearded dragons, roaches metabolize this differently, gleaning protein from it.)
  • Granulated grains, such as oatmeal Mangoes, papayas, pears, and peppers
  • Pre-packaged “Roach Chow,” which is a specialized, nutrient-dense meal made specifically for roaches
  • And other fruits and vegetables. Pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and yams are examples of root vegetables.

A variety of fruits and vegetables include apples, bananas, beets, berries, broccoli and carrots, as well as citrus fruits (Though roaches adore delicious citrus fruits, they should only be served once or twice a week.) Orange and lemon juice are toxic to bearded dragons. Its digestive systems are unable to cope with the acidity. ; Cucumber; dried fruit; lettuce; leafy greens (Although this is nutrient-deficient for humans and bearded dragons, roaches metabolize this differently, gleaning protein from it.) ; oatmeal with other types of grains Produce including mangoes, papayas, pears, and peppers; pre-packaged “Roach Chow,” which is an insect-specific, nutrient-dense diet designed specifically for roaches; and roaches.

  • Cat food, dog food, and meats are all available. Roaches have a high protein content by nature. In the event that they take an excessive amount of extra protein, their bodies will convert it into uric acid, which will be harmful to your beardie. Everything that is rotten or moldy. Remember to remove everything that has not been consumed by the roaches within 48 hours to avoid rotting or mold development. Mold is toxic to roaches and has the potential to wipe out a whole colony.

How to Feed Your Roaches

The majority of the time, Dubia roaches can be fed once a day, but it’s fine to skip a day every now and again. Large fruit and vegetable slices or roach chow should be placed in a shallow bowl and placed inside the tank or bin to feed them. Uneaten food should be taken from the refrigerator at least every 48 hours, if not every 24. Water Dubia roaches are notorious for drowning quickly, therefore providing them with a water bowl or dish is not a choice. In order to ensure that they remain hydrated, there are two simple options:

  • Alternatively, you may use water crystals or gel, which are available online and at most pet stores (or try our very easy, super convenient pre-mixed water crystals!) to keep your bird happy. You may place the gel or crystals in a shallow water dish that is easily accessible to your roaches
  • Alternatively, you can use a water bottle. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of hydration. It’s as straightforward as it appears

The reason for keeping the roaches in the first place has a lot to do with how much work you want to put into hydrating in the first place. Ultimately, what matters is that they are getting hydrated in some form or another.

How to Care for Your Dubia Roach Enclosure

It all comes down to why you are keeping the roaches in the first place, and how much work you want to spend into hydrating. Ultimately, what matters is that kids are staying hydrated in some way.

  • Locate a well-ventilated space where you can clean your tank or bin to reduce the likelihood of developing an allergy. Place the roaches in a container with a cover, such as a spare bin or tank. Make certain that you transfer them all! You don’t want to deal with an escaped prisoner, despite the fact that it will most certainly die if it is not captured
  • Remove all “frass” (droppings) and exoskeletons from the area while wearing rubber gloves (remains from molting). After you’ve finished cleaning up, you may either flush the leftovers down the toilet, throw them away, or dispose of them in a flower garden or other acceptable outside location. Optionally, you can scrub the tank or bin clean with soapy water and completely rinse it out
  • However, this is not recommended. Return the egg cartons and roaches to their original locations after the enclosure has dried. Make certain that the roaches’ housing is entirely dry in order to eliminate the possibility of mold developing. Keep in mind to wash your hands after coming into contact with your roaches.

Cleaning your roach cage with a plant-based soap will keep them from ingesting potentially dangerous chemicals, according to the experts.

Dubia Roaches for Sale

Are you ready to place your order? Healthy roaches contribute to your dragon’s ability to live a long and fulfilling life. Furthermore, following these basic recommendations will make caring for your dragon’s roaches a breeze. Are you ready to order the first batch of these nutritious goodies for your beardie? Check out our several size selections to discover the perfect fit for your dragon. Good appetite (to you and your beardie, of course) and happy eating! You can contact us via email if you have any questions or would want to provide feedback.

How to Set Up Dubia Roaches for Breeding

A terrific alternative feeder bug for many pet reptiles and amphibians who prefer bigger prey items, Dubia Roaches are an excellent choice. The best part is that they are inexpensively and readily reproduced, resulting in a nearly limitless supply of food for your dogs! How to produce dubia roaches with the Josh’s Frogs Dubia Roach Breeding Kit is demonstrated here. In addition to 10 egg crates, a brick of coconut fiber, Josh’s Frogs Bug Off, 5 male and 10 female adult roaches, and 100 1/4′′-3/4′′ and 3/4′′-1′′ dubia, the Josh’s Frogs Dubia Roach Breeding Kit also includes 100 1/4′′-3/4′′ and 3/4′′-1′′ dubia.

  • It will take around 6 months for the smaller roaches to develop and reproduce, guaranteeing that you will not have a production void if your adults die of old age.
  • Roaches will not be able to climb out of the clear containers because of the smooth sides.
  • Place all of the substrate in the container first, followed by the egg crates, making care to alternate the order in which they are arranged in the container.
  • After that, it is necessary to provide food for the animals in the enclosure.
  • Feed Josh’s Frogs Roach Rations, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables – table scraps are excellent – round out the meal.
  • Place the roaches in the container and you’re done!

For those who have young children or cats at home, it is recommended that you cut multiple tiny holes in the lid. In every other case, the lid can be left ajar. You’ll notice the presence of baby roaches rather shortly.

A Note on Shipping:

To lawfully send dubia roaches across state borders, Josh’s Frogs has obtained the necessary USDA permits from the Department of Agriculture. We’ve done the research and are able to transport dubia roaches to all 50 states in the United States, with the exception of Florida, California, Louisiana, Alabama, and Hawaii. As long as you do not reside in one of those states, you are permitted to legally order and get dubia roaches from Josh’s Frogs and receive them. Upon buying, you will get an email with a copy of the appropriate permits.

Do the Dubia: How to set up a dubia roach colony

SYNCHRONIZATION: “SONY DSC” data-medium-file=” ssl=1″ data-source=” SONY DSC” data-large-file=”ssl=1″ data-large-file=”ssl=1″ loading=”lazy” title=”Do the dubia: how to build up a dubia roach colony” src=”is-pending-load=1″ alt=”” width=”360″ height=”212″ src=” is-pending-load=1″ alt=”” width=”360″ height=”212″ data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-srcset=”ssl=1 1024w,ssl=1 300w,ssl=1 1093w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 360px) 100vw, 360px” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 360px) 100vw, 360px” ” data-lazy-src=”is-pending-load=1″ data-lazy-src=”is-pending-load=1″ srcset=”″> Every individual comes to the knowledge at some point in their lives that they do not own aDubia roachcolony.

  1. As the realization settles in, the question arises: where can I find Dubia roaches?
  2. How much tender loving care do they require?
  3. Fortunately for you, Josh’s Frogs has the bugs, and we have the answers to your questions.
  4. However, it is possible that it will do so for whichever animal you have to give them to.


First and foremost, you will need to obtain an adequate container: a ten gallonterrariumwill do for the majority of tiny colonies, while a forty gallon container will suffice for the majority of big colonies. Because dubia roaches are unable to scale flat surfaces, bigger Sterilite containers can be used instead. Whichever method you choose, it should be filled with egg crates, with each sheet orientated with the opposite face toward the preceding sheet and turned ninety degrees from the previous sheet.

Make sure the egg crate is positioned vertically in the enclosure, as this will allow any roach dung to fall to the bottom of the cage and out of sight.

To the untrained eye, it seems to be a jumble of crisscrossed sheets of inexpensive cardboard.

But you haven’t finished yet!


Your roaches are still in need of food to survive. We all know that a well-fed roach is an especially contented roach, so it’s time to set the table for supper. To use as a meal tray, place one additional sheet of egg crate either flat on top of the others or flat beside the other sheets. The roaches will rotate between a banquet of dry meals and a banquet of veggies and fruits in this area.

Your roaches will most certainly be expecting some of Josh’s Frogs own,roach rations premium roach chow as they feed like kings (if kings were thrown into forty gallon buckets and tossed powdered food, bananas, and table scraps every now and again).


Roaches are good companions in warm weather. As a result, it is only fair to increase the temperature. However, because the ideal temperature range for roaches is uncomfortable for the majority of humans, we recommend purchasing a heat source specifically for them. Dubia roaches prefer temperatures ranging from 80° to 88°F, yet they will reproduce (although slowly) at temperatures as low as room temperature. Of course, while heating your roaches, you’ll want to be sure to have a thermostat so that the temperature remains steady.


While your roaches are basking in the sun’s rays, why not offer them a refreshing glass of water to drink? The good news is that roaches aren’t too particular about their food, which is fortunate because purchasing enough cups of acceptable sizes would be prohibitively costly. These creatures are quite pleased to drink from the water that has accumulated on their cardboard dwellings as a result of misting. As a result, you’ll need some sort of misting system to spray your roaches with cool water when they’re thirsty.

  • That’s all there is to it.
  • Now, where can I go to get some roaches?
  • A decent beginner set to get your colony started would include of 10 adult females, 5 adult males, and then 100 3″ juveniles and 100 1″ juveniles, which would total 200 juveniles in all.
  • You will be able to claim, at the very least, that you have a happy colony of Dubia roaches when you look back on your life later when you reflect on your accomplishments.

A note on shipping:

To lawfully send dubia roaches across state borders, Josh’s Frogs has obtained the necessary USDA permits from the Department of Agriculture. We’ve done the research and are able to transport dubia roaches to all 50 states in the United States, with the exception of Florida, California, Louisiana, Alabama, and Hawaii. As long as you do not reside in one of those states, you are permitted to legally order and get dubia roaches from Josh’s Frogs and receive them. Upon buying, you will get an email with a copy of the appropriate permits.

Raising Dubia Roaches

TopFlight Dubia sent a message on October 27, 2021 to Is it possible for Dubia Roaches to infest your home?

Get to Know the Dubia Roach

The Dubia roach may be found in portions of Central and South America, as well as the Caribbean.

Tropical species, it requires both warmth and humidity to thrive in its natural environment. Due to the fact that most homes lack both of these elements, which are required for the Dubia roach to reproduce and grow, it is difficult for them to establish an infestation.

Yeah, But Do Dubia Roaches Fly?

It is unlikely that Dubia roaches will be able to escape from enclosures or containers since they are unable to crawl over smooth surfaces. Given this, we understand your curiosity on whether Dubia roaches are capable of flying. Despite the fact that the male has wings, they are largely ineffective. This type of roach will not take off at random like a bee or other flying insect, nor will it chase after you like a bee or other flying insect. When the male Dubia roach is dropped or falls from a height, it will “flutter” to help it land.

They are not particularly good at regulating their flying direction while in flight, though.

Why Use Dubia Roaches as Feeders?

A variety of factors have contributed to the rapid rise in popularity of dubia roaches as feeder insects. When it comes to protein, calcium, and minerals, the Dubia roach is a great choice for feeding reptiles, other invertebrates, birds, and mammals. It also has a low chitin and fat content, making it a great choice for feeding birds and other animals. Because they have a meaty body with less “shell,” your animal will take more nutrients from each individual roach when compared to other feeders in the same environment.

Others, such as mealworms and superworms, contain a significant amount of fat.

Is it possible for Dubia roaches to infest your home?

It is a good idea to have your own colony of Dubia roaches if you want to provide a steady supply of nutritious food for your pets who eat insects.

The Importance of Gut Loading

Dubia roaches may be fed in a feeder just like any other species, and gut loading is essential for any feeder. Others feed their roaches a combination of veggies and other food items, and some breeders have developed their own “roach chows” to suit their tastes. Regardless of how you do it, when you feed your own roaches, you have complete control over what is going into them. Dubia roaches are virtually totally devoid of any scent. The only stench that roaches emit comes from the food that they consume in their enclosures or if their egg flats or cardboard slats become wet or molded as a result of excessive moisture.

Dubia roaches, in contrast to crickets and red runners, are neither swift nor able to hop.

This is the image that, regrettably, comes to everyone’s mind when the term “cockroach” is spoken in a conversation.

They may also be extremely productive breeders, with a single female producing as many as 35 babies in a single clutch of eggs.

For the sake of this discussion, the Dubia roach is an outstanding choice for a feeder bug. They are becoming increasingly popular as a primary feeder for many keepers because to their ease of housing, keeping, and even breeding.

Buy High-Quality Dubia Roaches for Reptiles, Invertebrates, Birds and Mammals

For many different sorts of pets, Dubia roaches are the preferred feeders of choice. Whether you maintain lizards, frogs, tarantulas, birds, or any other creatures that prey on insects, you should consider growing your own colony of Dubia roaches to supplement your collection. Place your order with Topflight Dubia now. Feeder Insects may be purchased at TOP.

Dubia Roach colony is infested!

Hello, I realize this discussion is almost a year old, but it piques my curiosity since I raise and produce numerous species ofRoach Bin Colony Cleaner Crews, which I offer on my website to Active Roach Breeders that are looking for roaches to breed. Those on a Cleaner crew are those that successfully consume dead insects and molted skins, surplus grains before they mold, and decaying foliage, hence reducing mold growth. If necessary, a variety of species will consume mold! For the most effective Roach Cleaner Crew, one should select all or some of the following Clean-Up Crews for Roach Bins from the list below.

  1. The larvae of the other two species of beetles are completely devoted to grain consumption.
  2. Our Isopods are also excellent decomposers, which makes them an excellent choice for Roach Bin Cleaner Crews.
  3. They are also much better with vegetables since they rapidly consume decomposing matter.
  4. The inclusion of Tropical Species of Springtails and Tropical Species of Isopods to Roach Bin Cleaner Crews is something I would strongly endorse.
  5. Depending on the quantities required, this may or may not be a problem.
  6. Temperate species should be cultivated outside of the tank and then introduced when the time is right, whereas tropical species may be simply brought to the tank and they will continue to thrive and reproduce.

HotCold Packs are available, and shipping is offered via Priority or Priority Express shipping methods. Large Roach Bin Cleaner Crews are available for as little as $14.95, Springtails are available for as little as $6.95, and Isopods are available for as little as $10.95.

Raising Dubia Roaches for Your Chickens

Cockroaches, I understand what you’re thinking. Yuck! You’re referring about the creatures that infest homes and are notoriously difficult to eradicate? However, they are not the cockroaches that you are picturing. These are dubia roaches, a tropical species that will not breed unless the temperature is raised over 90 degrees Fahrenheit. So don’t be concerned if one of them manages to get inside your home; it will not reproduce unless you maintain your residence over 90 degrees at all times. The fact that they can’t fly and can’t climb glass or plastic means that the chances of them escaping are virtually zero.

  • Anyone who has ever attempted to breed crickets for their hens can attest to the fact that they can create quite a stench in the process.
  • In contrast to the cricket breeding process, which is likely to keep you up all night listening to chirping, these gentlemen are utterly silent when they are at work.
  • They reproduce in large numbers, with each female depositing up to 35 nymphs every two months.
  • There’s no danger of them attacking or biting you, so you don’t have to be concerned about one of these creatures sinking its mandibles into you.
  • They are also extremely nutrient-dense.
  • They’re 36 percent protein, which is ideal when you’re trying to increase the protein intake of your birds.
  • Your chickens will easily be able to grasp them without their being able to flee as quickly as they would otherwise.

Following our discussion on why you should raise kids, let’s move on to how you should go about raising them.

A storage tub or a glass aquarium are the most typical types of enclosures for them.

Because they require air holes in the lid, if you use an aquarium and purchase an aquarium lid for it, you’ll already have what you need for them.

Because they must be kept at a temperature between 90 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit in order to reproduce, you will need to provide them with a heat source.

A reptile heating pad that attaches to the bottom of the aquarium is recommended if you’re using an aquarium.

They will also require a place to dwell and conceal themselves.

This is something I’m sure every chicken keeper has plenty of on hand at any given time!

The location where your ladies will give birth to their baby nymphs should be comfortable and welcoming for them.

If the roaches need a place to cool off, that’s where they’ll go, and it’s also where you’ll store their food.

They don’t require any bedding, and the absence of bedding makes it easy to clean the colony when it becomes required.

Dubia roaches will consume almost everything, even humans.

It’s also a good idea to boost their diet with fresh greens, and they seem to have a special fondness for citrus fruits as well.

They are more than delighted to clean up any cooking waste that you have left over.

To give them with moisture, wetting down the layer feed will suffice; however, the layer feed will need to be replaced on a regular basis to avoid mold and odor from forming.

Because they are easily drowned, placing a bowl of water in front of them is not recommended.

Well, there’s a good likelihood they’re already at it.

The female-to-male ratio is 3 to 5 females for every man.

You might wonder how you can identify the difference between males and females.

When they reach adulthood, dubia roaches are genuinely sexually dimorphic, much like chickens are in the wild.

Visually, they are highly distinct from one another.

Also, it’s worth noting that dubia are ovoviviparous, which means they give birth to live offspring rather than eggs.

These roaches may be ordered online and supplied directly to your home.

Start with a variety of ages, including some adults to get your breeding going right away, but also some nymphs of varying ages, because it takes 3-4 months before a female is old enough to breed, so if you start with adults, it will be three months before your next generation is ready to start producing, and you may have lost some of your adults by that time.

Many vendors will offer you a beginner colony, which may or may not include the egg flats, readymade food, and water crystals, and this is an excellent way for a rookie breeder to get their feet wet in the industry.

A terrific treat for your birds, Dubia roaches are easy to raise and may be a rewarding experience if you put in the effort.

It should be noted, however, that they are outlawed in some areas, such as some southern states like Florida, where they have the potential to escape and multiply in nature. In addition, they are prohibited in Canada.

Volkswagen to end production of the Beetle next year

Volkswagen said on Thursday that it would cease production of its Beetle tiny car in 2019, bringing an end to a model that harked back to the counterculture of the 1960s as the carmaker prepared to make the transition to a future of mass-market electric vehicles. Since its introduction in the 1930s, the Volkswagen Beetle has evolved from a product associated with Adolf Hitler to a symbol of Germany’s rebirth as a democratic, economic superpower following World War II, according to Volkswagen.

  1. Volkswagen’s then-Chief Executive, Ferdinand Piech, attempted to resuscitate and modernize the iconic Beetle design pioneered by his grandfather, Ferdinand Porsche, during a period in which the company was trying to recover sales in the United States in the mid-1990s.
  2. The New Beetle had a huge success in its early years, with sales of more than 80,000 units in the United States in 1999.
  3. Volkswagen has sold around 500,000 Beetles worldwide since 1998, according to the firm.
  4. Consumers in the United States who are seeking for a small Volkswagen car choose the Jetta sedan or the Tiguan compact sport utility vehicle, according to the company.
  5. Volkswagen has reached a watershed moment with the retirement of the Beetle.
  6. With the introduction of electric vehicles, Volkswagen hopes to appeal to a new generation of environmentally concerned consumers – the children and grandchildren of 1960s Beetle lovers – who have grown up in a more green world.
  7. His comments, on the other hand, did not rule out the possibility of such a scenario in the future.
  8. Buzz, a prototype for a 21st Century reincarnation of the microbus developed by the corporation.

Buzz into production as an electric vehicle in the near future. The firm said that two unique Beetle models would be added to the final range in the United States – the Final Edition SE and Final Edition SEL – and that both will be equipped with driver-assistance technologies.


Written by|February 9, 2022|Uncategorized If you’ve been in our shop recently, you may have spotted a new product: gigantic huge dubia roaches, which are a new addition to our product line. What exactly are these dubias, and why should you purchase them rather than our standard huge dubias (3/4″ – 1″)? What our gigantic huge dubia roaches look like is the subject of this blog post.

Protect Your Investment When Ordering Dubia Roaches

On February 1, 2022, Aster Michelsen wrote in the category “Uncategorized.” Unless you’re fortunate enough to have a local source or have the ability to produce your own dubia roaches, you’ll have to resort to obtaining dubia roaches online. Fortunately, placing an order for dubias over the internet is a simple and quick operation. The United States Postal Service performs an excellent job of delivering our live dubias in only a few days.

Dubia Roaches VS Dubai Roaches: What’s the Difference?

Ona Christie|Jan 25, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Have you ever spelled dubia incorrectly as dubai? If this has happened to you, you are not alone. Every month, around ten thousand individuals search for “dubai roaches” on Google, according to Google. It also works in the opposite direction: the hashtagdubia on Instagram is crammed with photographs of Dubai! It’s gotten to the point where someone has to step in.

Where is the Best Place to Buy Dubia Roaches Online?

Aster Michelsen|Jan 20, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on If you reside in the United States, there’s a good probability that you’ve had difficulties in obtaining dubias in the past. So, if you are unable to make an order with your regular supplier, where is the best place to get dubia roaches online? After all, dubias are a source of nutrition for your cherished pets. You don’t want to do it.

“Where Can I Buy Dubia Roaches Online?” Our Dubia SupplyDemand Philosophy

On January 20, 2022, Aster Michelsen posted an entry in the category Uncategorized. There is a good likelihood that you have encountered supply challenges when trying to locate dubias if you live in the United States of America. After all, where should one turn when one can’t get their hands on dubia roaches from their normal supplier? Remember that dubias are a source of nutrition for your cherished companion animals. You’re not interested.

Beyond Dubias: Our Plans for 2022

Aster Michelsen|Jan 7, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The year 2021 was a watershed moment in our history. Opening our business, shipping thousands of dubias, meeting many amazing reptile people, and learning a great deal along the road were all highlights of our journey. We owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who contributed to making our goal a reality. However, it is now necessary to look ahead to 2022. Yes, we have.

Top 3 Superworm Myths Revealed and Debunked

On January 7, 2022, Aster Michelsen posted an entry in the category Uncategorized. The year 2021 was a watershed moment in our company’s development. Opening our business, shipping thousands of dubias, meeting many amazing reptile people, and learning a great deal along the road was an exciting and rewarding experience. Thanks to everyone who made our dream a reality, we are eternally indebted. In any case, the year 2022 is approaching quickly. This is exactly what we have done.

Earn up to 10% Off on Dubia Roaches with EVERY order!

Posted byHeather Glass on December 15, 2021 in Uncategorized.

At the Bug Shed, we consider it a part of our goal to assist responsible reptile breeders and keepers by ensuring that their creatures are kept happy and healthy at all times. Many of you received healthy, engaging, live feeder insects for your pets this year thanks to our assistance.

Buying Dubia Roaches in Winter: Our Safe Shipping Policy

Written by Heather Glass on December 8, 2021 in Uncategorized. Dubia roaches are available for purchase online, but doing so during the winter months presents some unique problems, particularly in our area – the wild and magnificent Upper Peninsula of Michigan. In fact, it is not uncommon for certain sections of the Upper Peninsula to get more than 200 inches of snow in a single season.

What to Look for in a Good Reptile Breeder

Written by Heather Glass on December 8, 2021 in Uncategorised. Due to the extreme cold of the winter months, purchasing dubia roaches online can provide some unique obstacles, particularly in our area — the wild and magnificent Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Some sections of the Upper Peninsula have received more than 200 inches of snow in a single season, which is not uncommon.

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