What Type Of Goverment Operates Dubai? (Solved)

Dubai, as a part of the United Arab Emirates, is governed by an absolute monarchy, under the rule of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Sheikh Al

  • The Government of Dubai ( Arabic: حكومة دبي ‎) governs the Emirate of Dubai, one of the seven constituent monarchies which make up the United Arab Emirates. The executive authority of the government is the Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The Dubai Municipality and numerous other governing entities are under its jurisdiction.

What type of government do Dubai have?

Politics of the United Arab Emirates take place in a framework of a federal presidential elective constitutional monarchy (a federation of absolute monarchies).

Is Dubai is a democratic country?

The UAE does not have democratically elected institutions and citizens do not have the right to change their government or to form political parties.

How is UAE governed?

It is governed by a Federal Supreme Council made up of the ruling Sheikhs of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Dubai, Ras al-Khaimah and Umm al-Quwain. All responsibilities not granted to the national government are reserved to the individual emirate.

Who governs Dubai?

The executive authority of the government is the Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The Dubai Municipality and numerous other governing entities are under its jurisdiction.

Is abortion legal in Dubai?

Abortion. According to the UAE law, it is a crime to abort a pregnancy unless: it endangers the woman’s life or. there is evidence that the baby will be born with fatal deformities and will not survive.

Is Dubai governed by Sharia law?

Criminal law. Sharia law exists in the UAE and is used in specific circumstances, such as in the payment of blood money. Individual emirates have also suspended some Sharia punishments such as flogging, replacing them with jail terms and most Sharia system is only enforced to the citizens.

Who is ruler of UAE?

Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (Arabic: خليفة بن زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان‎; born 7 September 1948 in Al Ain) is the president of the United Arab Emirates, the Emir of Abu Dhabi and the supreme commander of the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces since 2004.

What are the five federal authority in the UAE government?

It is the First Federal Authority in terms of ranking in the hierarchy of the Five Federal Authorities prescribed in the Constitution: Federal Supreme Council, Federal President and Federal Vice President, Federal Cabinet, Federal National Council, Federal Judiciary.

Is Abu Dhabi and Dubai same?

While their names look similar, the names Dubai and Abu Dhabi don’t refer to the same place. Indeed, these territories are legally two separate emirates within the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Abu Dhabi serves as the governmental center of the UAE while Dubai is a major international hub for business and tourism.

What Type Of Government Does The United Arab Emirates Have?

In the background, you can see the flag of the United Arab Emirates. The United Arab Emirates is governed by three types of monarchy: presidential, federal, and dictatorial. In all, there are seven component monarchies in the United Arab Emirates, which comprise the emirates of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ras al-Khaimah, Umm al-Quwain, Ajman, and Fujairah, among others. The President of the United Arab Emirates, who is also the country’s head of state, is the ruler of Abu Dhabi, whereas the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates is the ruler of Dubai and the country’s head of government.

The UAE’s Executive Branch

On the administrative side of things, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is made up of seven emirates, each of which is headed by a ruler who is responsible for setting the pace for reforms in local government. According to the 1971 Constitution, the seven emirates share a significant degree of power in areas of income and mineral rights, the majority of which are oil-related. Since each emirate had its own form of administration from the outset, the establishment of federal powers has been a lengthy process.

Division Of Power According To The Constitution

The Constitution of the United Arab Emirates divides federal powers between the judicial, legislative, and executive institutions. Furthermore, the executive and legislative authorities are further subdivided into emirate and federal domains, respectively. President and Vice President are both elected rulers from one of the seven emirates, according to the Constitution, and their roles and positions are defined by the Constitution. The seven rulers form the Federal Supreme Council, which is comprised of a chairperson and vice chairman who are both elected to serve terms of five years, the cabinet, which is led by the Prime Minister, and an independent judiciary, which includes the Federal Supreme Court.

Additionally, there are 40 members of the National Assembly, a supreme council of rulers, and members of a consultative body made up of individuals who were partially elected and appointed by the rulers of each of the seven emirates who serve on the federal supreme council.

Responsibilities Of The UAE Government

Different responsibilities of the UAE government fall under the jurisdiction of the federal authority, including security and defense, public health and education, nationality and immigration issues, extradition of criminals, labor relations, currency and financial services, aircraft licensing and air traffic control services, telephone and postal services and other forms of information and communication.

Certain tasks, on the other hand, are exempt from the Constitution’s Articles 120 and 121 and fall under the authority of the individual emirates.

Local Politics Within The UAE

Different responsibilities of the UAE government fall under the jurisdiction of the federal authority, including security and defense, public health and education, nationality and immigration issues, extradition of criminals, labor relations, currency and financial services, aircraft licensing and air traffic control services, telephone and postal services and other forms of information and communications.

In spite of this, some obligations are not covered by Article 120 and 121 of the Constitution, but are under the authority of each emirate instead of the federal government.

Overview Of UAE’s Government

  1. Traditionally, regional rulers engage in open dialogue with their population, regardless of whether they are members of the ruling class, merchants, or common residents. In the United Arab Emirates, emirate rulers and other senior family members participate in such forums primarily to identify ways in which they may improve the quality of life for the people through improved administration. When it comes to the judiciary department of the government, the UAE’s judicial system is comprised of both the Sharia law and civil law systems. The UAE’s judicial systems are divided into two categories: Sharia courts and civil courts.

The political system – The Official Portal of the UAE Government

It was created in December 1971 as a constitutional federation known as the United Arab Emirates. This article offers a high-level overview of the political system and government in the United Arab Emirates.

Political identity

The United Arab Emirates is represented by its own flag, coat of arms, and national song. All citizens of the United Arab Emirates have the same united nationality as the United Arab Emirates, which is globally recognized. The United Arab Emirates is divided into seven emirates:

  • Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah (which joined the new federation in February 1972), Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, and Fujairah are among the states that have joined the new federation.

How does the political system work?

Political systems are founded on the Constitution, which outlines the major norms of the country’s political and constitutional organization. The Constitution also outlines the rights and obligations of citizens. The Constitution outlines the primary reason for the formation of the federation, as well as its aims at the municipal and regional levels of government. It ensures that all people of the UAE have equal rights and opportunities, as well as safety and security and social justice. The Constitution of the United Arab Emirates has 152 provisions that form the foundation of the country and the rights of people in 10 areas:

  1. The federation, its constituents, and its overarching objectives
  2. The basic social and economic foundation upon which the federation is built
  3. Freedom, rights, and responsibilities of the general public
  4. The federal government’s authority Legislation, executive orders, and administrative authority at the federal level The emirates are a group of people who live in the UAE. Affiliation of legislative, executive, and international jurisdiction between the federal government and the emirates
  5. The federation’s financial concerns
  6. The armed forces and security forces
  7. Provisions for the final and transitional phases

Key developments in the political system

Over the years, the United Arab Emirates has made several efforts to strengthen its political system, make it more responsive to the demands of the country’s socio-economic growth, and ensuring that the UAE’s people is well-prepared to meet the challenges of globalization. The elections for the Federal National Council in the United Arab Emirates in 2006, as well as the establishment of the electoral college, were watershed moments in the country’s efforts to increase public engagement in its political system.

In 2008, the Supreme Council also passed constitutional modifications that strengthened the FNC’s authority while also expanding its scope of influence and ability to coordinate with the government.

Political reform strategies

Over the years, the United Arab Emirates has made several measures to strengthen its political system, make it more responsive to the demands of the country’s socio-economic growth, and ensuring that the UAE’s people is well-prepared to meet the challenges of global development and advancement. A significant move in the UAE’s political system, the 2006 elections for the Federal National Council and the establishment of an electoral college were both intended to increase public engagement. Since 2006, 20 members of the FNC have been chosen by an electoral college and 20 members have been nominated by the rulers of the individual emirates, a change from the tradition of nominating all 40 members between 1972 and 2006.

In 2008, the Supreme Council also passed constitutional modifications that strengthened the FNC’s authority while also expanding its area of influence and ability to coordinate with the Cabinet.

In order to foster constructive engagement between the federal and municipal administrations, the approach sought to Additional objectives include revitalizing the regulatory and policy-making roles of the ministries and improving their decision-making mechanisms, increasing the efficiency of governmental bodies and upgrading their services to meet the needs of the people, as well as reviewing and upgrading existing legislative frameworks and regulations.

The revision of Article 62 of the Constitution, which took effect in late 2008, was a significant step.

In addition, the Supreme Council passed constitutional modifications to Articles 72, 78, and 91 in 2008, which strengthened the FNC’s authority and expanded its sphere of influence even more broadly.

Three of the objectives of Vision 2021 are expressly stated as follows:

  1. Achieve ambition and a sense of responsibility among UAE nationals and equip them with the courage to chart their own course in a sustainable socio-economic environment founded on stability, solidarity, moderate Islamic values, and a sense of national identity. To ensure that a solid union with a shared destiny exists that protects Emiratis while also advocating for balanced growth Create a knowledge-based economy that is varied and adaptable, and that is headed by highly qualified Emiratis
  2. And Ensure the well-being of UAE citizens

The UAE’s foreign policy

A fundamental tenet of the UAE’s foreign policy is its belief in the importance of fairness in international interactions between nations. Among these are the requirement of adhering to the concept of non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations and pursuing, if feasible, a peaceful resolution of conflicts, as well as the necessity of supporting international institutions such as the United Nations. Sites related to this one:

  • Reports on UAE foreign policy, the UAE-occupied islands, human rights, and foreign aid in the UAE

UAE Soft Power Council

The establishment of the UAE Soft Power Council intends to promote the country’s National Agenda while also strengthening the UAE’s status as a global model of leadership and excellence in soft power. Specifically, it aims to strengthen the country’s standing and cement its ideals of respect and admiration among governments and individuals around the world. Parallèle to the development of its economic and military strength, the United Arab Emirates’ long-term strategy is to promote a strong and coherent international policy, establish diplomatic ties, and educate and influence people around the world about the UAE’s culture, values, history, knowledge, and vision.

  • The development of a comprehensive strategy to strengthen the country’s position with governments and citizens around the world
  • The implementation of a comprehensive national strategy that consolidates the roles of both the public and private sectors in achieving soft power
  • The development of a soft power strategy for the state, including in the fields of science, culture, technology, humanitarian work, and the economy
  • And the review of all legislation and policies that have an impact on the UAE’s status and reputation

Links that may be of assistance:

  • Links that may be of use:

Updated on November 23, 2020

What type of government does Dubai have?

In Dubai, what kind of government do they have?

The United Arab Emirates:

The United Arab Emirates is a federal republic in the Middle East that shares borders with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, and the Persian Gulf.

It is the world’s largest oil exporter. The country is made up of seven different “Emirates,” which are Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Umm al-Quwaim, and Ras al-Khaimah. Dubai is the capital, and Abu Dhabi is the largest city.

Answer and Explanation:

  1. Dubai, which is a component of the United Arab Emirates, is controlled by an absolute monarchy, which is led by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who is the ruler of the country. Sheikh Al
  2. Sheikh Al

Learn more about this topic:

Government, language, and religion of the United Arab Emirates are covered in Chapter 19/Lesson 11. A very short period of time has seen the United Arab Emirates develop to become one of the most prominent economic hubs in the Middle East. In this lesson, we will learn about the way of living in this country.

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UAE is made up of seven emirates: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Qaiwain, Ra’s al-Khaimah, and Fujairah. The United Arab Emirates is divided into seven regions. On December 2, 1971, the United Arab Emirates declared its independence from the United Kingdom. Its constitution was formed with the country’s independence and rendered permanent with the year 1996. The government may be described as a federal presidential elected monarchy since the president is chosen from among the absolute monarchs who control each of the seven emirates.

  • President Khalifa bin Zayid al-Nuhayyan, who has served as the ruler of Abu Dhabi since 2004, has served as the country’s chief of state since 2004.
  • The ruler of Dubai is the country’s Vice President and Prime Minister, Muhammad bin Rashid al-Maktum (since 2009).
  • Additionally, a Federal Supreme Council (FSC) is comprised of the seven rulers of each of the seven emirates and meets four times each year, according to the constitution.
  • The FSC also elects the President (and Vice President) from among its members, who gather at least once every five years to either confirm the current President or elect a new President.
  • The most recent presidential election took place in 2009.
  • The Federal National Council (FNC) is comprised of 40 members, 20 of whom are appointed by the rulers of the seven Emirates and 20 of whom are elected to four-year terms.
  • In the most recent election, there were 129,274 people who were entitled to cast ballots.
  • In the United Arab Emirates, political parties are not permitted; as a result, there are no political parties.) The most recent election, held in October 2019, resulted in the election of 13 men and seven women.
  • Sharia and civil courts are used to administer the legal system of the United Arab Emirates.

Appointment of judges is made by the president. Each emirate has its own local government, as well as municipal governments and administrations. The division of authority among the several levels of government was determined by the constitution.

  • UAE Government Portal
  • The United States Central Intelligence Agency’s World Factbook (United Arab Emirates)

FACTBOX: What is the UAE’s political structure?

Government Portal of the United Arab Emirates; The United Nations World Factbook (United Arab Emirates);

Dubai – Economy

Contrary to common opinion, Dubai’s economy is not centered on oil exports or consumption. Because of the little amount of oil income it had between the 1960s and the 1980s, it was able to invest in other sectors of its economy by constructing physical infrastructure. Commercial activity continues to be at the heart of the city’s economy, with the city owning and running two of the world’s most important ports, as well as an active international air freight hub. It was founded in the 1980s to attract industrial investment; operations based there include aluminum smelting, automobile manufacture, and cement production.

Finance and other services

The number of initiatives designed to attract foreign investment has expanded in the twenty-first century. In recent years, many free zones, such as Jebel Ali, have been developed in Dubai, allowing international enterprises to operate there without the requirement for a local partner. Many of the firms are from Europe or North America, and the largest of these is home to more than 6,400 enterprises, the majority of which are located in the largest of these. As early as the 1990s, the city began promoting itself as a high-end tourist destination, devoting a major portion of its gross domestic product to lavish resorts and attractions.

The Dubai International Financial Centre, which opened its doors in 2006 and is designated as an independent legal jurisdiction in the United Arab Emirates constitution, operates under a separate commercial and civil framework based on English common law and is governed by the Dubai International Financial Centre Regulations.

Using Dubai’s geographic location as a bridge between key financial centres in Europe and East Asia, these enterprises may save travel time between the two continents.

A loan of $10 billion from Abu Dhabi enabled Dubai to avoid defaulting on its debts, and the real estate market recovered quickly as a result of the financing.


Embark on a journey aboard an anabra, a water taxi in Dubai. Water taxis in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, are the subject of this topic. Contunico is a trademark of ZDF Enterprises GmbH, Mainz. View all of the videos related to this topic. For walkers, Dubai is not an inviting city due to its broad motorways, hot heat, and reliance on air conditioning all year. As a result, vehicular traffic may be particularly heavy in Dubai. However, in the early twenty-first century, new bridges, highways, and a fully automated, driverless metro train system have all helped to alleviate the hassles of getting about the metropolis.

The Dubai-owned airline, Emirates, which runs a big and sophisticated fleet of aircraft, has had a significant positive impact on the tourism industry.

Administration and society

Located in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai Municipality is one of the major government agencies in the nation. It is overseen by a director general, who in turn reports to the chairman of Dubai Municipality, who is also a member of the royal family of the country. The director general is responsible for six sectors and 34 divisions, which collectively employ over 11,000 people. The municipality is not only responsible for the administration of city services, but it is also a major contributor to economic development in the emirate.

Municipal services

A number of other services, such as rubbish collection, have been criticised for lagging behind in keeping up with the city’s population expansion. A significant amount of effort has gone into the development and maintenance of parks and public spaces, with the city significantly increasing its number of green spaces in the 2010s.


For individuals who have private medical insurance, health care in Dubai is typically of a high grade, with various private facilities, such the American Hospital Dubai, on hand to accommodate their needs. There are a handful of extra hospitals that are run by the government for individuals who do not have insurance.


The education system is divided into two parts: the private and the public sectors. The majority of public schools educate in Arabic, whilst the majority of private schools and all institutions teach exclusively in English. Two institutions, the American University in Dubai (founded in 1995) and Zayed University (founded in 1998), have established solid reputations in the region. The majority of the employees are foreign nationals, with a considerable share hailing from North America.

Cultural life

Dubai’s art and film sectors grew in the early twenty-first century, with the annual Art Dubai exhibition presenting contemporary art and the Dubai Foreign Film Festival promoting both local and international films. It is housed in an 18th-century stronghold and has relics and exhibits that are relevant to the region’s early history and traditional culture. Dubai’s public library system is comprised of various branches located around the city, as well as a number of bookstores located in the city’s major shopping malls.

These have significantly improved the city’s reputation as a tourism destination.

There is still a clear division in the city’s media industry between government-backed television and newspapers, the majority of which are heavily censored, and foreign media companies that have established branch offices in Dubai Media City, a purpose-built complex that serves as a regional international media hub.

The BBC and the Associated Press are two examples of the latter, and their production is not subject to local constraints in most cases.


Having grown from its modest origins as a tiny fishing town, which was first mentioned in the 18th century, the city expanded fast as it became a significant center of the pearl-diving business. Due to the city’s entrepreneurial royal family’s efforts to lower taxes and welcome international merchants, the city flourished even more in the early twentieth century and quickly established itself as a re-exporting centre for Persia and India. The UAE’s capital, Dubai, continued to focus on commerce and investment throughout the later part of the twentieth century, channeling oil surpluses into significant infrastructure projects such as an international airport, dry docks, and a trade center.

The need for professional, educated foreign employees was widespread, and many chose Dubai for its tax-free pay and relatively stable political environment.

Christopher Davidson is a writer who lives in the United Kingdom.

United Arab Emirates: Freedom in the World 2021 Country Report

D11.00-4.00 pts0-4 points D11.00-4.00 pts0-4 pts All aspects of the media are governed by the 1980 Publications and Publishing Law, which is widely regarded as one of the most restrictive press laws in the Arab world. It also prohibits any criticism of the government. Journalists routinely engage in self-censorship, and news organizations frequently print official government remarks without providing any criticism or commentary. Media operate with greater freedom in certain “free zones,” which are areas in which foreign media outlets can produce news content intended for foreign audiences.

A government-backed media campaign against Qatar, which began in 2017, has seen the participation of Emirati-owned and UAE-based media outlets play an important role.

An increasing number of well-known pundits have been arrested and imprisoned in recent years for their criticism of the government, their support for human rights and political dissidents, or their calls for political reform.

During a televised interview in November 2020, a court convicted two individuals to two years in jail for fabricating a tale about the COVID-19 fatalities and presenting it on national television. D 21.00 pts. to 4.00 pts. 0 to 4 points

Are individuals free to practice and express their religious faith or nonbelief in public and private? 1.0014.004

Islam is the official religion, and Sunni Muslims constitute the vast majority of the population. As is preaching to Muslims by non-Muslim organizations, blasphemy is considered a criminal act. This body, along with a Dubai-based equivalent, offers regular instruction to Muslim preachers. It also appoints the country’s Sunni imams, who are appointed by the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments. Shiite clerics are governed by a separate body that oversees religious concerns. In recent years, there have been reports of noncitizen Shiite Muslims being subjected to discrimination or deportation on the basis of their religion.

When Pope Francis visited the United Arab Emirates in 2019, he made history as the first Roman Catholic pontiff to visit the Arabian Peninsula.

A little later that year, the authorities revealed plans to build an Abrahamic Family House, which would comprise a mosque, a church, and an interfaith synagogue, to be completed in 2022.

Is there academic freedom, and is the educational system free from extensive political indoctrination? 1.0014.004

The Ministry of Education has the authority to control textbooks and curricula in both public and private educational institutions. Islamic education is obligatory in public institutions, as well as in private schools that cater to Muslims. Several international institutions have established satellite campuses in the United Arab Emirates, while academic members are often reluctant to express political opinions or criticize the administration. At least ten academic members from New York University (NYU) have been refused permission to teach or do research on the NYU Abu Dhabi campus, according to reports.

Scholars and students who have questioned parts of government policy in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been placed on a unified Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) security list, which prevents them from traveling outside the country.

It took five months for him to be released from solitary confinement in Abu Dhabi, following which he was found guilty on the allegations of espionage after a trial that lasted five minutes and sentenced to life imprisonment.

D 41.00-4.00 pts0-4 points 41.00-4.00 pts

Are individuals free to express their personal views on political or other sensitive topics without fear of surveillance or retribution? 1.0014.004

In a variety of cases, authorities have considerable power to penalize persons who express themselves on sensitive subjects. According to a 2012 cybercrime law, which amended and replaced a previous law passed in 2006, lengthy prison terms were instituted for vaguely worded offenses such as causing “damage to the reputation or the stature of the state or any of its institutions.” A 2014 counterterrorism law prescribes punishments that include the death penalty for offenses such as “undermining national security” and possession of material that is opposed to or denigrates Islam.

A 2015 law banning hate speech and discrimination featured ambiguously worded provisions and criminalized a wide variety of free speech activities, including the expression of political opinions.

Human Rights Watch reported in 2019 that the authorities had systematically persecuted the relatives and associates of imprisoned or exiled dissidents, for example, by revoking their citizenship, withholding identity documents, prohibiting them from traveling, denying them access to education and employment, and subjecting them to surveillance and intimidation Such actions serve as a further barrier to free expression.

During the year 2020, the government attempted to regulate communication connected to the COVID-19 epidemic as well as its decision to reestablish ties with Israel, both of which were controversial at the time.

According to reports, government-linked accounts on social media promoted the My Safe Society mobile application in September, following the normalization agreement.

The app, which was first launched in 2018 by the prosecution service, encourages users to report content or activities that threaten the security of the UAE.

Federal Countries

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a relatively new nation state that was established in 1971. A variety of different colonial entities occupied areas of what is now the United States starting in the sixteenth century – first, the Portuguese, then the Ottoman Empire, and eventually the British – all of whom wished to gain control over and profit from commerce in and around the region. Beginning with the 1820 General Treaty of Peace, the British entered into a series of agreements with rulers (sheiks) in the region with the goal of ensuring peace and putting an end to piracy in the region.

  1. The Trucial States Council, a platform for debate and collaboration, was established in 1952 by seven sheikdoms.
  2. After their treaty arrangements with the United Kingdom came to an end in late 1971, two states that are now regional neighbors of the United Arab Emirates – Bahrain and Qatar – acquired their independence.
  3. The United Arab Emirates was established on December 2, 1971, when Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and four other emirates came to an agreement to form a union known as the United Arab Emirates.
  4. Sheikh Zayid bin Sultan al Nahyan, the President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), instituted changes that resulted in more centralization as the federal government acquired authority over sectors such as immigration, public security, and border control.


The United Arab Emirates is made up of seven emirates (provinces) (constituent monarchies). The United Arab Emirates is an absolute monarchy with a federal structure headed by a presidential system. According to custom, the (hereditary) ruler of Abu Dhabi serves as President and Head of State, whilst the (hereditary) ruler of Dubai serves as Prime Minister and Head of Government, according to tradition. The Federal Supreme Council is comprised of the rulers of all seven emirates, and it is this council that, in principle, elects the President and Prime Minister, who serve five-year terms in each position.

  1. The Federal National Council of the United Arab Emirates is a unicameral body with 40 members that serves as the country’s federal legislature.
  2. In addition, the other half are elected to two-year terms by an electoral college whose members are selected by the emirates, and they serve only in an advisory role.
  3. The Supreme Court of the United States is composed of five justices, each of whom is headed by a president appointed by the Federal Supreme Council.
  4. However, each emirate retains significant powers, including the crucial authority over oil rights and revenues.
  5. Despite the fact that the United Arab Emirates is a decentralized federation in actuality, this decentralization has had no detrimental impact on the country, which has maintained a high level of stability since independence.
  6. The constitution, which incorporates elements of traditional and modern governance, serves as a middle ground between those emirates that advocate centralization and those that want individual liberty, according to the authors.

Despite the fact that the constitution grants the federal government an apparent broad range of powers, the constitution in practice creates a loosely constrained federation.

Local laws and customs – United Arab Emirates travel advice

Each of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates makes up the country (constituent monarchies). The United Arab Emirates is an absolute monarchy with a federal system headed by a presidential system. Tradition dictates that the (hereditary) ruler of Abu Dhabi serves as President and Head of State, while the (hereditary) ruler of Dubai serves as Prime Minister and Head of Government. The Federal Supreme Council is comprised of the rulers of all seven emirates, and it is this council that, in principle, elects the President and Prime Minister, who serve five-year terms in each office.

  • There is just one chamber of the Federal National Council, which has 40 members and serves as the federal legislature of the United Arab Emirates.
  • In addition, the other half are elected to two-year terms by an electoral college whose members are selected by the emirates, and they serve exclusively in an advisory role.
  • Those five judges, who will be led by a president, are appointed by the Federal Supreme Council.
  • However, each emirate retains significant powers, including the important authority over oil rights and profits, while the federal government retains jurisdiction over foreign affairs, security and defense, education, public health, and communications policy.
  • The Federal National Council’s legal and legislative power should be strengthened, according to the UAE government’s position.
  • However, despite the constitution’s seeming vast scope of federal authorities, it really creates a loosely constrained federal structure in practice.

Importing goods

The UAE prohibits the importation of pig products as well as pornographic material. Videos, books, and periodicals may all be subjected to review and censorship in some cases.


Offenses involving illegal narcotics are treated with zero tolerance. Trafficking, smuggling, and possession of narcotics (even in trace amounts) are all punishable by harsh penalties. For drug trafficking, sentences can include life imprisonment as well as death, and possession of even a small amount of illegal narcotics can result in a mandatory minimum 4-year prison term. The presence of narcotics in a person’s blood stream is considered possession by the Emirati authorities. Some herbal highs, such as Spice, are prohibited in the United Arab Emirates.

Because UAE airports are equipped with cutting-edge technology and security, travellers traveling through the country who are found to be in possession of even trace quantities of narcotics may be detained.

Those discovered in possession of such items will have them seized, and you may be subject to criminal prosecution.

On the website of the UAE Ministry of Health, you may find a list of the narcotics, psychotropics, and prohibited substances to which this law applies, as well as the permitted quantities and documentation to be presented.


Non-Muslim citizens can get a liquor license, which allows them to consume alcoholic beverages at home and at licensed establishments. These licenses are only valid in the Emirate that granted the license in the first place. Residents must also get a permit in order to be permitted to consume alcoholic beverages at licensed establishments. Residents of Abu Dhabi no longer need to get a liquor license in order to purchase alcoholic beverages for personal use. A temporary liquor license for the period of one month can be obtained from one of the two authorised liquor distributors in Dubai if you are visiting the city for the first time.

  • Unless otherwise specified, this license is only valid for usage inside the Emirate in which it is granted.
  • However, you should be aware that drinking or being under the influence of alcohol in public is a severe infraction under UAE law and may result in criminal prosecution.
  • This is the first time the law has been used against them.
  • The drinking age in Dubai, as well as in all other emirates save Sharjah, is 21 years old.
  • Passengers traveling through the United Arab Emirates while under the influence of alcohol may also be detained.

Dress code

When women are in public places such as shopping malls, they should dress modestly. Arms and legs should be covered with clothing, and underwear should not be seen on the arms and legs. Clothing appropriate for swimming should be worn solely on beaches or in swimming pools. Cross-dressing is against the law.


It is standard practice for hotels to request a photocopy of your passport or Emirates ID card when you check in. If you are under the age of 18 and not accompanied by an adult, you are not permitted to stay in a hotel.

Offensive behaviour

Swearing and making disrespectful gestures (including those made online) are deemed obscene actions, and those who do them may face imprisonment or deportation.

When interacting with the police and other government personnel, exercise extreme caution. Public shows of affection are frowned upon, and there have been a number of arrests for kissing in public in recent history.

Relationships outside marriage

All sex outside of marriage is prohibited in the United Kingdom, regardless of the nature of your connection with your partner. It is possible that you will face prosecution, incarceration, and/or a fine as well as deportation if the UAE authorities learn that you are engaging in a sexual relationship outside of marriage (as defined by them). The act of living together or sharing a hotel room with someone of the opposite sex with whom you are not married or closely related is illegal in the United States of America.

During ante-natal visits, doctors may request proof of marriage from the expectant mother.

It is required that you submit the authorities with a copy of your marriage certificate in order to obtain a birth certificate from them, and it is possible that they will compare the marriage certificate’s date of issue with the estimated date of conception.

Same-sex relationships

All gay intercourse is prohibited, and same-sex marriages are not recognized in the United States. The United Arab Emirates is, in many ways, a tolerant society in which private life is respected, though there have been reports of individuals being punished for homosexual activity and/or sexual activity outside of marriage, particularly where there is a public element or where the behavior has caused offence, in some cases. This applies to both expatriate residents and visitors to the country.


Certain government buildings and military locations are off-limits for photography for security reasons. Do not photograph anyone unless they have given you permission. Men have been detained for photographing women on beaches, according to reports. It’s possible that hobbies such as bird watching and plane spotting will go unnoticed, especially in areas near military bases, government buildings, and airports. It is possible that material (including videos and photographs) posted online that is critical of the UAE government, companies, or individuals, or that is related to incidents in the UAE, or that appears to abuse/ridicule/criticise the country or its authorities, or that is culturally insensitive, will be considered a crime and prosecuted under UAE legal provisions.

Obtaining the relevant approval from the Emirati authorities in advance will be required if you desire to engage in media activity including the creation, transmission, and/or distribution of printed, digital, audio, video, and/or visual material is something you wish to do.

Failure to do so might result in incarceration as well as a significant financial penalty. By enrolling on the National Media Council website, you will be able to receive further information regarding media activities and how to secure the appropriate licences.

Fundraising/charitable acts

If you’re thinking of doing or promoting fundraising or other charitable actions in the UAE (or while traveling through), be in mind that these activities, especially those undertaken online and through social media, are tightly monitored. You should be completely informed of the legal requirements and, if required, seek competent counsel. Criminal consequences, such as substantial fines and/or imprisonment, can be imposed for failure to comply with the law.

Buying property

If you’re thinking of doing or promoting fundraising or other charitable activities in (or while travelling through) the UAE, keep in mind that these activities, especially those undertaken online and through social media, are highly restricted. The legal requirements should be thoroughly understood, and you should obtain expert guidance if necessary. Criminal consequences, such as substantial fines and/or imprisonment, can be imposed for failure to comply with the rules.

Financial crime

The commission of financial crimes such as fraud, the bouncing of checks (including post-dated and “security checks”), and the failure to pay bills (including hotel bills) can all result in jail and/or a fine, depending on the circumstances. Bank accounts and other assets might also be frozen at the discretion of the court. Non-residents of the United Arab Emirates who are arrested for financial offences are often denied the right to bail. In most cases, those who have been convicted will not be freed from jail until the debt has been paid in full or waived, and they may even be required to remain in jail after a debt has been paid if there is an outstanding sentence to be served.

Weapons and related equipment

Weapons, ammunition, body protection, and associated equipment (such as cleaning kits, gun belts, and so on), no matter how small the number or what the purpose, all require approval before being brought into or transiting through the UAE or transiting through it.

Technical equipment

Satellite phones, listening or recording equipment, radio transmitters, powerful cameras, and binoculars, among other items, may require a permit to be used in the United Arab Emirates. Consult with the UAE Embassy in London for guidance.

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If you have reason to suspect your driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you should request that the driver terminate the journey immediately.

Additionally, commercial vehicles may be subject to extra state government levies, on top of the tolls and fees.” An additional price of 30 AED per person will be charged for airport pickups (not included in flat rates).


Construction We provide advice on all elements of building projects and infrastructure development throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia region. Our clientele include a diverse spectrum of organizations, from government bodies and private developers to EPC contractors, general contractors, specialist subcontractors, and architectural and engineering firms. Corporate Practical assistance and advice on corporate and commercial law in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Persian Gulf:

  • Construction All areas of building projects and infrastructure development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are covered by our advisory services. Our clientele include a diverse spectrum of organizations, from government bodies and private developers to EPC contractors, general contractors, specialist subcontractors, and architectural and engineering consultants. Corporate All around the MENA area, practical information and counsel on corporate and commercial law is available.

Dispute Resolution is the process of settling a disagreement. Multinational corporations in various countries can create difficult issues that need a full awareness of and familiarity with the applicable laws and standards. The Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC), the Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration Centre (ADCCAC), the Gulf Cooperation Council Commercial Arbitration Centre (GCCAC), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), the DIFC-LDIA Arbitration Centre, and the American Arbitration Association are among the arbitration tribunals in which we have represented clients (AAA and ICDR).

  1. In addition, we routinely appear in the DIFC Courts and have established good working connections with seasoned local advocates for issues in other UAE jurisdictions.
  2. Our ability to use discretion and judgment, as well as our reputation for undertaking public policy advocacy in accordance with existing laws and ethical guidelines, has earned us the distinction of being one of the world’s most influential law firms.
  3. We have extensive expertise in negotiating and managing the legal and business difficulties that arise in the course of project development plans, and we are able to assist hotel owners and operators with the complete spectrum of obstacles and possibilities that they encounter.
  4. Our team has a wealth of expertise advising governments, project sponsors, financial advisers, investment banks, commercial banks, export credit agencies, and multilateral financial organizations on a variety of projects.

The practice of real estate law encompasses a broad range of services, including property acquisition and dispositions; development and construction; litigation; zoning and land use planning; financing; real estate investment trusts (REITs); commercial landlord/tenant issues; management and franchise agreements; restructuring; workouts; foreclosure; bankruptcy and creditors’ rights; and transactional tax planning.

Investors from sovereign wealth funds and other institutional investors A diverse range of investors, from family offices and high net worth individuals to sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, and foundations, benefit from our sage guidance and insight.

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  • In the year 2021, Stephan Adell was named a Future Leader by Who’s Who in Legal Arbitration. Tom Wilson has been included to the Who’s Who LegalThought Leader Global Elite 2020 list in the field of Construction. Shortlisted for the IFLR Middle East Awards 2020 in the category of Pro Bono Firm of the Year
  • The Dana Gas PJSC financial restructuring case was recognized as the Best Restructuring Deal of the Year at the IFLR Middle East Awards 2019. Finalist for the Oath Middle East Legal Awards in the categories of International Law Firm of the Year and Employment Team of the Year in 2019. The Middle East Legal Awards 2018 presented the award for the best use of technology.

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